Banks - the biggest criminals in the world?

The banks are the biggest criminals of the world, but they get away with it because we respect and believe their smiles, their suits and the glossy buildings they operate their racket from. These false veneers are used so we don’t see what these bankster-gangsters really are:

the world’s biggest scoundrels, crooks and criminals funding and instigating virtually all wars on BOTH sides, for profit to THEM as well as financing ALL political oppositional movements, political parties and politicians making it seem to us that each new revolutionary movement or new party will create change, when in reality it is another paid-for-up-front-by-Wall-Street-gangster-bankers "revolution" presenting a new politicial -ism, which in reality are these bankers, together with their lackeys in the upper ranks of each relevant country’s freemasonry, planned long ago, in order for them to either overthrow a legitimate peoples’ chosen government or as a method to discard an existing puppet, who perhaps has decided to oppose these criminals.

The bankster-gangsters have done this by hijacking one country after another with their fake and valueless monetary system = FRAUD, with their credit-based fractional system based on creating-money-from-thin-air, behind our backs turning us into an ID number or the like, to make us their surety should THEY conveniently go bust = give THEM ample opportunity to empty OUR bank accounts and steal our properties = real values, whilst THEIR monetary system is based on nothing whatsoever.

Not only banks, but the entire monetary system including insurance is fraudulent. How did they get away with this?

The gangster-bankers with their criminal associates in government (all forms of government are covert dictatorships dressed up as "democracy") have turned countries into corporations with the use of fake laws = Maritime Law (also known as Commercial Law), replacing our national laws and constitutions with their laws that give THEM the right to rob us and remove our rights, blackmailing judges to be traitors in service to these embezzlers, abandoning their country’s laws and constitutions protecting their people, in favour of the bankster-gangsters’ criminal laws. How many judges cannot be blackmailed or threatened for a pretty penny to turncoat their own people?

They have also managed this through the enforcement of ID number or tax number as a so-called "necessity short-cut code for us" and the like, rather than refering to us as human beings, so they can pretend we are corporations rather than human beings, because their fake laws and systems only apply to "persons" who accept to be a number, or a fake all-capital-letter NAME LIKE THIS, which is not YOUR name, but a fake identity they created to turn you into a corporation to which they can apply their fake laws.

Our politicians are agents for these international criminals: the bankster-gangsters and their associates in the Bilderberg group and New World Order. It is time we all realise this reality and stop voting for these foot soldiers who work for the world’s so-called elite who commit crime after crime against humanity.

Politicians and those working in the upper echelons of banking and finance, the legal system, state and government are perfectly aware that these institutions (corporations) are war machinery to conduct WAR against their own population on behalf of these bankster-gangsters, assisted by the bankster-gangsters’ local henchmen and lackeys: each country’s freemasony and politicians.  

Many are unaware that differing political -isms introduced with the assistance of paid-for-revolutionary movements, such as communism, marxism, liberalism, nazism and islamism etc are just games on a chessboard for these bankster-gangsters who have everything well-planned and rigged in advance, using all the tried and tested methods they have employed throughout many centuries:

to manipulate unsuspecting populations, so that we wholeheartedly believe in this or that political leader, movement or party as some form of saviour, an alternative to our current, corrupt government and political parties, thus allowing the banks to roll in an opponent (controlled opposition) here and an opponent there (also controlled opposition), so that the poor, suffering peoples of one country after the other revolt and support the new revolutionary, even though these revolutionaries are ALL Rothschild puppets, often turning out to be distant relatives to these banking families, paid to keep the show running on their behalf. Good examples of these are Karl Marx, Trotsky, Stalin and Lenin and Castro, all of whom were presented as poor, penniless revolutionaries to the gullible public, but then, when you do your own research you find out that they are all distant relatives, friends or agents working for leading Wall Street banking families, leaving a double life, one as a poor revolutionary, but then, whilst in training to be a revolutionary, living in a deluxe downtown apartment in New York or having a secret offshore, tax-free bank-account with millions put aside when they retire from politics.

And the situation is no different today – behind the scenes the bankster-gangsters control and manipulate the world, from everything from wars, revolts, revolutions, overthrows of government, manipulation of financial markets with deliberately planned upswings and downturns so as many of us are caught out and forced to sell our property – so surprise, surprise the banks are "forced" to buy up our properties cheap, ALL OF WHICH IS DELIBERATELY PLANNED TO TRANSFER ASSETS OF REAL VALUE TO THEM.

Banks have nothing of real value to offer you, INSTEAD THEY RUN THE WORLD’S LARGEST DECEITFUL PONZI SCHEME, HOCUS-POCUS-MONEY-OUT-OF-THIN-AIR RACKET, backed up with no assets of real value and inserted US AS THEIR SURETY, so should these banks go bust or should they rig a depression, as they do EACH time when it suits them, they get to steal our possessions of REAL VALUE = homes and property, cars and all other tangible assets of real value.

Let me put it simpler: BANKING IS THEFT OF YOUR REAL ASSETS AND YOUR LABOR IN EXCHANGE FOR THIN AIR = NOTHING. Banking is theft and fraud and nothing but theft and fraud, but we have been brainwashed to believe otherwise.

Even in the days when banks still held gold in their vaults, this gold held and holds no value, because quess what, if you tried to sell your gold back to the bank, they would probably only give you 10% back of what you originally paid for it. You will say say: "Why don’t I get my monies worth back?", then they will tell you "But it’s only worth xxxx, the difference was what YOU were willing to pay for it!" better known as market value = the fake value they have given their fake product, which you have been brainwashed to believe HAS that value, when it doesn’t.

Let’s face it, you can’t eat gold, you can’t drink gold, it can’t heat your home or DO anything. Long gone are the days when banks held gold in their vaults, today it’s all hocus-pocus coins and notes and fake digital money which they just type in on a screen or delete from your account, should they so choose.  

In the old days you got your wage paid in cash. Today everything is based on fake digital money where Rothschild, Goldman Sachs and other bankster-gangsters create billions out of thin air whenever they need to finance or pay off a politician, government, media house, military industrial complex or geoengineering company executives and the like.

Those hobnobs at the top of the gangster-banksters and the rest of the Bilderberg elite = international freemasonry mafia, heavy into pedophilia and satanism that use this false monetary system to acquire valuables of real value such as enormous properties, ranches, castles and vineyards and the like. Many of us do not realise that banks have nothing of value in their vaults anymore, and that they make THEIR money from us, they make money in reality from nothing. 

What they do these days is issue digital money on your screen – and call this your wage, then they use the monies you give them – again digital, to buy up values of REAL value, such as large country mansions, the industrial military complex and the pharmaceutical industry. Between themselves they barter with items of real value stolen from ourselves, gold, oil, mansions, weapons and the like, and don’t forget human trafficking – sex slaves and children for their pedophile parties. They wouldn’t dream of receiving payment in their own fake monetary system – from their own circle.

When you ask for a loan from a bank in order to buy a house, in reality you pay for nothing. You give them money – which they take from you and use to buy items of REAL value, from the money YOU GIVE THEM = how THEY make a living. You receive no service from them – they just give you a so-called loan made from fake digital money, which they don’t even take responsibility for, because THEY DON’T WRITE THEIR NAME ON ANY DOCUMENTS ANYMORE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. And when was the last time you sold your house and got paid in real values? In the past you got at least paid in gold, which at least has positive energies which are beneficial to your health. However, you can’t eat, drink or warm your home with gold, neither can you do so with diamonds, which are virtually valueless today too, because equipment to make diamonds is now readily available if you wish to make your own. There are even diamond factories today, though these primarily make powerful cutting tools.

If you were to get paid in real values, YOU should be able to decide according to which real values you need: if you for example you needed labour to build a new home, receiving all the building materials for building your new home, the labor plus plumbing, electrical work and free food for 5 years, that would be real values. Or any other combination, according to your real needs.

As you can see, the only real values are mankind, our knowledge, our creativity and our assistance, for example in the form of physical labour – either plumbing, building, electricians, services or a gardener to help your own food production, a teacher or carer of the elderly etc. So what do you do to turn this around?

The only solution to prevent this fake monetary system, is to stop supporting it by stopping to vote for your politicians, who are your monetary system as it is those bankster-gangsters behind the monetary system who also control politics, the legal system and pretty much everything else as of today. As long as we keep supporting these people and buying their services and products we continue to keep them in power.

First of all we need reeducation in how the world really works, and having read this article, you now understand a little more about how the monetary system is completely fraudulent and has been used since at least 1933, or when gold was removed from your country, to control all governments in the world.

Now your have read the above, kindly share this article with others. There are many, many videos on YouTube or Brighteon and the like that inform the public about the fraudulent monetary system, exposing this system in detail, exposing which factions are behind it and also encompass the extensive fraud of the legal system. This article attempts to give an introduction into a very encompassing subject. Enjoy the recommended videos for further information.


Poll Questions

  • Now that you have read the above and realize that the banking system is fraudulent and manipulates almost everything in our world, including creating and funding wars for profit, killing millions of people, are you willing to support the establishment of real direct democracy in your country by stopping to vote for their puppets - politicians?

    If your answer is no you must be a freemasonry backed politician, banker or otherwise involved in the world's biggest scam - the fake and fraudulent monetary system.

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