Complacency and apathy will kill you

Our society today, regardless of who you are, or what political system you are under, are all variables of the same system, set up to control your life and force you to submit to the system's laws and regulations from cradle to grave.


Our media do not exist to enlighten us or empower us to be in charge of our own lives and our own future. Media is part propaganda lies that glorify politicians with us as blind sheep/loyal sheep to put our own lives and future into the hands of political party representatives who, behind the scenes, do not work for "sheep", but for their own political party owners = international banking and business billionnaires and their own pockets - at the expense of the blind sheep (us).




The media, in other words, lives up to its alternative hidden meaning: producing magic (lies) to get us to think and do what politicians want us to think and do, or want, in order that we end up WANTING what the politicians want us to want - and ACCEPTING what they want us to accept - and thereby allowing them to commit their horrendous crimes - with no consequence for them! They don't tell us the truth about politicians: that they are agents of organized crime, register themselves as corporations, are literally corporate businessmen - not working for us at all. The media's real purpose is to cement the validity of the false system of politics - and to promote THEIR crimes as being right and valid - when they are NOT!

Media bombards us with fake news, lots of entertainment intended to take your focus away from reality, to hinder you from seeing that those in politics, government, law, freemasonry and corporation owners, among them many generational satanists, exploit you as work slaves, funneling most of your salaries back to them as taxes, VAT, charges, fees, fines, etc so by the time these are paid, 70% - 80% of your salary is back into the political system's owners - leaving you with just enough to scrape by with.


These people are as shrewd as they are devilish. They make certain we have just about everything we need, so that we are satisfied with our lives, and keeping us distracted with entertainment is a large part of that. Because you feel comfortable think you are free and have a satisfactory life, you become complacent, uncritical and unaware, not following what these political criminals are doing behind your back. We are satisfied in our own invisible slavery until something nasty enough to bring us out of our fake bliss belief in politics and politicians, occurs.


It takes something happening to us direct that awakens us, or alternative media to do this, because mainstream media is owned by globalist interests who use our local politicians and political parties as mouthpieces of their lies, and agents of their crime against us.


Most of us cannot see this reality because these smart, suppressive thieves' systems are set up in ways that ensure that most people in each country have a bit more than they need, and make us too satisfied, complacent or blind - and thereby successful prevent us from seeing that treacherous politicians take our rights away, steal our money, force potential life-threatening and lethal technologies and medication, vaccines, poisonous food and drink etc upon us, to make us passive in a fake state of blissful acceptance of our own political leadership's rule of law and systematic decay of our society, our life quality and now killing us.


The problem with a satisfied population, is that we are willing to take the train to Auschwitz with no protest, because everything is so hunky dory in our lives. This is how the world global elite mind and body control us into passivity. And once many enough of us are so passive and satisfied with the way we live our lives - they know that no-one will be willing to fight - to save their own lives and future.


These shrewd politicians force smart meters and LED technologies into our homes while at the same time setting up a 5G system grid that interact with LED technology and all gadgets run on smart meters in ways that turn the SMART 5G LED technology combined into a military scanning and laser radiation weapons system developed to decimate the population of Earth down to as few as possible, except the world ruling elite themself, whose plan is to keep some work and sex slaves to serve them their needs in their multi-billionnaire societies scattered around our planet's most lush and beautiful locations with the rest of us gone - murdered, dying from cancer or vaporized to ash in a few minutes so there is very little for the global ruling elite to clean up.


You may roll your eyes in disbelief because you can't see the reality of this, because you trust your lying fake news media and your smiling nice politicians waving the flag, holding joyful children in the hands, cheering the royal family. No-one is easier to kill than a blind man.


If YOU want to save your life and your future you need to bring yourself out of your ignorant state of lala land satisfaction. You need to learn to see reality.


If you do not awaken in time to take action to stop the roll-out of SMART 5G LED weaponry by throwing it out of your own life - all over the country - you will be thrown out of your own life (body) - dying from incurable radiation caused cancer.


Are you still in doubt whether this is a true fact or not? Watch these videos and wake up!


Do you want to live or not? This is not the time for procrastination, fear or worry. This is the time for action. We need to cooperate beyond borders on a worldwide scale as the globalists' plan to assassinate us with radiation weapons and technologies combined with their manufactured and patented viruses and vaccnations designed to kill us. These technologies are being set up behind peoples' backs all over the planet.


Enlightenment = information and action, that hand in hand, is necessary WORLDWIDE to put an end to the genocide of man that the world ruling elite is setting up to get rid of us.


To them we are nothing, expendable sheep, ignorant of what's going on behind the scenes in our own life, until YOU get cancer that cannot be cured and suffer hell for x number of months while the cancer shuts you down for good. If this is what you want, sleep on.


If you want to live - you need to take action now by taking initiative to enlighten yourself about this technology and enlighten others about it - while we are still alive. ACT! NOW!


Remember, these people will spare no means to achieve their goal. You cannot expect a "legal system" run by the elite for the elite will respect your wishes for stopping the build-out or take it down if it is already erected, neither will politicians, as these are all complicit in ensuring you are killed.


Only you and all of us together can do something about this by uniting worldwide against these technologies and those behind them. Remember, the elite's plan to is worldwide depopulation and their goal, Agenda21, is to complete this within 2021, maybe before the end of this year.


The elite, their governments, politicians and local councillors, the telecommunications companies, those installing and everyone in the legal system have no scruples about killing ALL of us. At the same time our children are bombarded with lies about the climate change, blinded from seeing they are supporting their own genocide.


What are YOU willing to do to save your life? Action will lead to a chance to save your life, complacency will kill you. Is that what you want? Remember, blind trust in politicians will kill you, and no-one is easier to kill than a blind man.







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