Direct Democracy will end globalist piracy

The motion picture industry issues a warning on their DVDs and Blurays that "Piracy is a crime" AND THEY SHOULD KNOW, because they themselves are part of the biggest piracy system in the world, known as the New World Order/Bilderberg group run by the biggest bank and business families in the world.

The aforementioed, combined with their lackeys in international freemasonry, run the whole fabric of western society’s political and economical systems in THEIR FAVOR, using Maritime Law to override Law of the Land.

In Norway’s case, Grunnloven (= Constitution), the country was hijacked by the then Crown Prince Olav of Norway together with central treacherous politicians and the Norwegian Bank (Norges Bank) signing the Bretton Woods agreement on 27th December, 1946, removing the Norwegian Constitution with their Maritime Law, which is piracy. By doing this these high-and-mighty people in position of power in Norway practically stole the country, land and valuables from under the feet of the people of Norway while, at the same time, parked the Law of the Land (Grunnloven) so that they could enforce their Maritime Laws and systems on the Norwegian population, who were kept in total darkness in regards to this – up to this day!

When you look at the flag flying from Norway’s Parliament (Stortinget) you see the piracy flag of commerce and banking. What these traitors did to their country back in 1946 has now spread to almost every country in Europe through their membership in the EU. Had people in these countries known that their country now belong to a group of banks, royalty and the Vatican they would never have signed onto the EU. How about that for an eye opener?

And what do you think the Euro is? It’s the banks’ currency in Europe used to remove all the real currencies so THEIR currency could have monopoly and make its owners in control of the world monetary system. The petrodollar is just the same, the banks way of seizing the values of oil and gas by overpricing the barrels so that the oil that costs just 2-3 cents a liter to produce, now is sold for a dollar or two a liter. And quess who gets the in-between profits, reaping swindle big time? The Wall Street bankers!

Although these numbers are not accurate, they give an impression of how the banks make money from other peoples’ valuables. They buy for pennies on the dollar while yanking up the price manyfold and reap a huge profit per liter. Imagine when they sell a trillion liter times their profit! Who makes the money without doing anything, except owning the system that sells the oil and gas? The big banks, naturally! And because of this – you have to pay the price. You have to pay the full pump price while the liter costs maybe 10 cents delivered to the pump. But, worst of all, that crude oil that these banks and their billionnaire owners and partners in the Bilderberg group makes billions from, is stolen from the people in the countries the oil belonged to – thanks to corrupt politicians in key positions of government who are in on it, betraying and plundering their own population big time – TWICE:

First, they allow the Bilderberg group oil companies steal their country’s oil and profits from oil and gas that belongs to the people of that country for a secret payoff in some tax-haven.

Second, then they buy that oil back from their own oil refineries and sell it through their own oil company, Statoil, which used to carry the name "Norol", but which got stolen and renamed Statoil and put on the Stock Exchange (Børsen), so they could sell the people of Norway’s oil company to their billionnaire friends in the Bilderbergroup group AND THEMSELVES,

leaving the people to pay the bill for running Norway from horrendous high taxes on their own incomes instead of financing the Norwegian bureaucracy with the peoples’ oil money as they should have done. This is how today’s modern pirates operate and they are so high-and-mighty in their positions of government that the people who know about this can’t do anything about it because the vast majority of the population are sleepwalkers knowing nothing about this plunder of their ownership to the income of sales of oil and gas and other valuables belonging to them, and thus keep voting to keep them in power. This is how today’s modern pirates operate in full openness and so bold that no-one but a few can see what they do. But alas, the few can’t do anything. That’s how bad it is in Norway now and many other countries in other areas of trade and commerce.

No wonder Britain wants out of the EU. If you knew that the EU was invented between the first and second World War, and that Adolf Hitler, Sir Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt and other world leaders between wars were cooperating in setting up World War II to bring such poverty and inability to protect themselves after the war, that it would be easy for these shrewd bankster-gangsters behind the scenes to occupy offices of power of government post World War II. It was after the war that the banks did the main attack on Europe – through the introduction of the Bretton Woods Agreement – hijacking each country’s constitution with their own fake gangster-banker laws. They used the agreement commonly known as Bretton Woods to overwrite all national laws and constitutions in all European countries to unify Europe behind the scenes and at the same time get their people at the top of government, planting the seed of a United Nations and a United Europe as the first steps to install their baby: The New World Order, with themselves running it.

Now do you see why United Nations and the European Union work under the guise of being necessary and benevolent organisations in favor of "humanity" so they can include the entire world in their scheme of grabbing our planet and make it their own without us? Read up on Agenda21 from part one and onward and you will get the chills. They want you dead, human being! They want the planet to themselves, without us. Why? Well, that’s where it stands today, nobody knows but them.

But there is light in the tunnel now, look at the opposition growing both in Europe and America. If you think that Brexit and Donald Trump is a coincidence, you had better think again. There are still honest, rich and powerful people on this planet that want another outcome than termination of mankind; these are behind Trump and support those who want a better life on earth for the future.

Note: The above information is gathered from several sources that may or may not have all the facts correct, but what we have written about above exists in lots of articles and videos on the internet.

Maritime Law (also known as Commercial Law) as a political system is called Parliamentarism, put together to control a country by so-called elected lawmaking politicians; a government assembled from that system, and a judicial system that on paper is supposed to PROTECT the citizens of a country, but instead serve private interests, ensuring THEIR interests come above those of the people. This is because the judicial system in the parliamentary model is based on the Law of the Sea (Maritime or Commercial Law), which is piracy and nothing but piracy.

Are you aware that your country has been turned into a corporation, a rogue state established by bought-and-paid for politicians in service to the owners of the Bilderberg group, put in place to control you with nice smiles and words while suppressing and lying to you in positive terms - that you buy into - while they steal your country’s valuable resources and the profits from these from you and stick it in their own and their Bilderberg friends' pockets?

These politicians are then establishing the bankster-gangsters' own systems that tie the country’s valuables to their bank and ownership. This is Maritime piracy big time, as they set up a rogue state within a country, run by traitors enabling the banks’ businesses and finance institutions to steal that country’s money and make it their own at the expense of the land’s population without any form of resistance, because the politicians that betray their own people are such great actors that the people trust them and love them and keep them in power. This is how shrewd this stealing-by-stealth-operation work in every country the bank families and their associates set their eyes on. They are the UN, the EU, NATO, WHO, Federal Reserve-IMF-World Bank, Wall Street, City of London, Washington DC and every top politician in the western world. They own them and use them to steal OUR rights, OUR land and OUR future because nobody who knows the truth about this criminal mafia dare oppose them, and because too many people don’t know about it at all or don’t want to do something about it, because they think they have a great life, having everything they need and don’t lack a thing, which is EXACT the strategy the New World Order club uses to hold us in bondage – and it works, because their ponzi scheme is of such mammoth proportions that no-one can see it, put in place by the puppet pirates of parliamentarism (politicians) in each country. These bold pirates who run the banking system and are the Bilderberg group, and whose freemasonry in each country are the workhorse traitors that rob your country by stealth, your belongings and land into THEIR ownership, beyond your backs!

These people also control the judiciary system, making certain that the Law of the Land they plunder no longer have judges supporting their own people, because your politicians have changed your protective laws behind your backs, so the banks have carte blanche to run your countries and lives, because nobody protests to put an end to it, and those who do end up six feet under, on the run or is spending time behind bars.

This is how bad it is in our now time, that we, InfoWarriors of Norway, and the rest of the free media who report on this now are being thrown out of YouTube and Facebook and Twitter because the establishment does not like the fact that millions are starting to awaken and don’t want the banks to run their lives anymore. The truth is dangerous and smitten fast. Take InfoWars - that now have more listeners and viewers than the rest of the establishment media in America combined - no wonder they have to shut them up by throwing them out of their own social media set up to surveil and spy on you to make a file on you that they can use to make money off, as well as hold you, the free media, in bondage, by kicking you out of internet social networks.

This major beast is called Google. It knows more about you than yourself, because as opposed to you who just live your everyday life, doing whatever you do, not recording it in your mind – THEY DO!

So, how can we now find a way to provide ourselves a new worldwide society for honest people who just want to live a great life and do great things for each other and the planet without seeing our future whither with every new vaccine, every new radiating technology, every new load of chemtrailing and every new dump of lethal poison into rivers destroying food and nature, with every new genetically modified food brought into your lives in the guise of being "organic grown" while you are embracing their new smart technology designed to spy on you, to radiate you to expensive treatments that will ruin you on the way to the grave? These are some of the biggest challenges we face today.

The good news is that we can fix all of this by doing a few simple steps:

• Never again support a political party or vote for their politicians as they are behind most of your misery by letting it happen.

• Never again buy or use any technology, any food or travel with transportation belonging to the New World Order club.As long as you spend your money wise on yourself, buying yourself a small place of land and in secrecy growing your own organic food, filtering your water and take care of your health, "they" lose money. And when many enough do it, they get nothing, and we get the upper hand.

• Embrace the idea of setting up a peoples’ real democracy. A real democracy is when every citizen above 18 years of age can propose changes to their own local communities that are in favor of the people there and have these voted over to see whether the majority want it or not, and have it when the majority wants it, is how a real democracy work.

Embrace this and work together to set it up and make it work in your favor all over the planet, and you are creating your own future today – without the New World Order.


Poll Questions

  • Now that you know that parliamentarism is piracy and that politicians are professional liars, suppressing, lying and robbing you, are you still willing to vote for them?

    If your answer is yes you are either a politician yourself, related to one, a freemason or an agent for these, because no informed, normal, sane person would ever vote for suppressors, thieves and traitors to their own country.

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