One World Society for All


The solution – One World Society (Part 3)
Having read part 1 and part 2 of this series of 3 articles, you are now aware of the many threats orchestrated by today’s globalist elite, who have a desperate need of reducing our planet’s numbers by billions because we pose a threat to them now that so many of us are waking up to reality. To do so they have prepared, and in part set up, a genocide system based upon vaccines, medication, poisonous agents in our food and drinking water; but worst of all is the roll out of SMART 5G LED weapons technology, designed to kill off most of us once the grid is up and running.


You need to know that politicians are not your bosses. They are supposed to be caretakers of our land, and provide every one in the land everything they need – but do not.

Instead these collude with the New World Order/Bilderberg group globalist-run conglomerates to steal everything from us, including our right to life. This is why they are preparing to assassinate us. Today we pose a threat to them thanks to alternative media worldwide's exposure of their crimes and intentions against us. They are in a hurry to get rid of us because of the huge numbers awakening to reality all over the world each day.

In order to save our lives we have to cooperate to take them and their many control systems used against us, down, while there is still time. We also need an alternative, and that’s why an outline for the new direct democracy model, called One World Society, is introduced here. One World Society is a fairness and equality-for-all direct democracy model.

One World Society is about fairness and equality for all. It is a model that serves everyone what they need in their local community wherever they live in the world – down to a community with a minimum of 3,000 inhabitants.

This model, which is channeled from E.T. family and One Creator self, have a lot of new views on how we, the people, can create our own local paradise where we live - in our favor - once we embrace it. From what we hear, in-depth details of the One World Society model will be gradual introduced to us on the internet starting late 2019.

From what we have seen so far, One World Society will solve all our problems with politics, fake laws, fake monetary systems, fake religions, and put an end to all globalist attacks on our rights and life as living human beings on Earth. Life on Earth is now a globalist-created and run nightmare.

We have already told you that they have plans to assassinate most of us in the years to come. Their most scary lethal weapon is the now fast rolling-out SMART 5G LED weapons system, as this weapons system is developed to kill entire armies in a matter of minutes. Another scary weapon they use against us is our own ignorance.

They bombard us with fake news and propaganda that too many of us buy into, because good, honest people can’t fathom that those in power in politics are globalist puppets to profit their masters and themselves. But they are, and that's why we need to awaken every one we know and enlighten them about our covert reality.


Should we fail in this, we all face a very dire future. Every one has to engage in awakening others so we are many enough to take action to save our lives, while there is still time.

There is also some light in these very dark times. InfoWarriors of Norway wish to introduce a fantastic new and amazing One World Society direct democracy model, channeled to select people among us that wish to remain anonymous for their own safety. These have informed us that there is a light in the tunnel to the future. The snag is:


at least 100 million people on Earth must desire this by saying out loud on your own, in your own language:  

"Yes, I want One World Society with equality and fairness, prosperity and a potential paradise for all on Earth".

Once the 100 million voices have told Creator they want One World Society, our sources tells us that it will be granted by One Creator self.


There are many in our time who are deep involved in Spirit Awakening and channeling that want this as our future reality. We join them, which is why we wish to share details and information about this model in the time to come, in the spirit of inspiring every one who wish One World Society for the future.

The great thing with One World Society is that we, the people, will be our own voting government together. We can propose great and desired changes in favor of our own local part of a city, town, commune, county, region or for the entire country in cases where proposals benefit everyone.

This system eradicates politics and fake judicial law systems, and replace today’s private owned fake monetary system with real value-based money based upon each country’s natural resources as well as everyone living in the country’s ideas, talent, expertise and experienced minds and hands.


One World Society will be run by a peoples’ service system that is obligated to deliver every project local communities around the country have voted for with a minimum majority of 55%.

This model is dependent on our ability and willingness to cooperate for the greater good for all in our local communities, countries and the entire world. 


You can propose positive desired and necessary changes or added services to your local community, and then vote over the proposal. Every proposal receiving 55% or more will be granted, and will be put out to vote for an entire city, district or the entire country when benefiting everyone.

One World Society has no room for royalty, papalcy, globalist billionnaires or politicians, judges and others involved with freemasonry. Likewise, we do not need big corporations owned and run by today’s world ruling "elite" in their favor at our expense.

From what we have seen so far, this model looks very promising, and it’s up to us to use it to our benefit.


The service system's leadership, run by the country’s foremost expertise in all areas of necessity and importance to our society and country, have no political power.


They are paid to deliver absolute everything each local community down to a minimum of 3,000 people vote to have. Failing to do so will cost them their job. This system serves everyone alike where they live, whether in a small rural community, a neighbourhood or in a big city or the entire country.

Should a proposal for one area be found very popular, it can be proposed in the next. Proposals with regards to the whole country will automatic be sent out to everyone. All proposals must be beneficial for your local community whether a cluster of villages, your entire town, part of town, city, county or entire country.

The system depends on mandatory voting for everyone down to the age of 12. But there is a great reward for voting four times a year: you receive 25,000 ONE World Society currency equivalent for participating in each of the four quarterly votes. In other words, you get paid to study the proposals and then vote over them.

As mentioned, any one have the right to propose improvements. These can be building a new school, wanting a new old folk’s home, public transport or buildings for creative activities and sports. Communities over 5,000 people are entitled to a small local hospital with maternity ward, just to mention some of the details we have received so far.

Should a proposal not reach a 55% majority, it can be proposed again in 3 months’ time - as proposals will be sent out and voted over every 3 months, 4 times a year. Any proposal rejected 3 times will be dismissed for good.

The service system will have three weeks from receiving a winning proposal to plan and prepare a prospect to present to the local community in question. Cost and size of voted-to-have proposals have no upper limit, but must be within the real need for the number of inhabitants living in that community, plus 25% newcomers over time = expansion in the population.

Unlike today, where politicians steal everything that belongs to all of us to profit their puppet masters and themselves, every one have equal rights to their share of their country’s income from natural resources. There will be no taxes on income. 

One of our biggest challenges today is that all taxes and increases in prices we experience (whenever the ruling elite creates fake inflation so that they can steal more of our income), is that we become dependent upon state support. And once we are in the claws of the globalist run state, we become their slaves.

Monetary freedom is granted in One World Society. No more expensive bank loans with horrendous interest rates. No more lack of money to buy food and other life necessities. Every one have the right to have all basic necessities for life for free, except food and drink and other products that harm or destroy your health, or are regarded as luxury items.


In One World Society money isn’t created out of thin air to pump inflation into your life (as today) so that you have to work longer days and longer weeks in order to pay your bills, after having been plundered with taxes through your fraudulent political system. The proposed system allows for us to work only 4 days a week, 6 hours a day including one half hour paid break.

And for you working for, and in, the state or local community systems today, don’t worry about losing your job. Tomorrow’s bureaucracy will be smaller than today, but there will be work for everyone, much more meaningful and appreciated by every one in the country, because now you are not sending out dictating letters or huge fines for not respecting criminal police when fining you along the road for doing nothing - just because they have to make their own income every day by chasing after innocent targets that they accuse of having broken an invented law - so they can fine you through the roof. The work you will do will be similar to what you do today, except that it will be in service to what the local communities’ decide.

There are no expensive banks in One World Society. There will be no Stock Exchange or banks in control of the monetary system as today. This is a world fairness system equal to all living human beings on our planet. All money and natural resources’ profit belong to everyone in equal parts. Every one receives the same sum for use in your local community from sales of our joint owned natural resources. What you earn is up to you to spend as you wish.

Every one have an income card in their name and address (to prevent two or more Harry or Mary Smiths from emptying another’s account). You also have your private secret safety password code with 6 digits/numbers of your own choice to your card. This card can be used everywhere to pay for whatever you wish to buy, as long as you have money on your account.

All basic shoes and clothing for around the year is free on your card as well as other items of necessity. Shops will have two color labels: green labelled items are free, whereas red labelled must be paid for by you, because it is a luxury item or regarded as unhealthy.

When it comes to food, all healthy food is green labelled and free to buy up until a certain maximum per person per week. All food that is not healthy for you will be red labelled, and will have to be paid by you. When you choose to eat and drink food that destroys your body, you will also have to pay the price for any treatment you may need. This way a healthy diet and lifestyle is encouraged, unlike today’s eugenics for profit industry. As you can see, it’s up to you to choose how you wish to live, just like today. The difference is that healthy living costs almost nothing, whereas body destructive lifestyle will have to be covered by your own money.

By promoting organic and superfoods for free, as well as providing healthy meals in restaurants and shops at very low prices, everyone is encouraged to have the option to improve their health, and from that have a great life.

There will still be a need for hospitals, doctors, surgeons, dentists and health care. These must expect to include expertise in nutritional health as part of their job, as the model promotes a healthy life for everyone who wants it.

Super fast fibre optics will be available everywhere for free with no radiation. Imagine downloading a terrabyte in just a few seconds! Wouldn't you rather have that than a lethal SMART 5G LED weapons system (of today) when we know this is developed to eradicate total populations within just a few hours? Wouldn’t you rather vote to create your own potential future paradise and live a free man, woman or child in a society where most things are free, thanks to your country’s natural resources? And on top of that create real values from what we create, invent, build and do with our skilled hands?

Another great benefit in One World Society is that everyone above 18 years of age has the right to a simple furnished flat or apartment up to 60m² for free, including electricity and fibre optic internet, telephony and TV access, as long as you study or work at least 4 days a week, 6 hours a day (with a paid half-hour break). One World Society gives every one the right to self-realization of one’s own ideas and talents - once proved worthy of realization.

For those who want to read more indepth details, we have added more information below. 

Many will wonder "Where do we get the money from for all this?" The answer is simple:

  1. Today’s monetary system is based upon no real value, hocus pocused out of thin air to satisfy the market’s demand for more money by private bank families who issue and control today’s fake money supply worldwide. Today’s money is identical to the Monopoly game’s money = total worthless.

One World Society model introduces a real value-based worldwide currency that has the same value in every country, based upon:

    1. You! Your ideas, talents, expertise, working hands, voices and services.
    2. All natural resources in each country will have a trading value that is the same all over the planet.
    3. All products each and every one of us produce bring profit to us or our country instead of filling the fat pockets of big corporations or government thieves like today.
    4. As you can see, there is a difference between what individual creators and workers earn, and what the new cooperative business driven system earn:

When you as an individual earn money, you don’t have to pay taxes, instead your products are very cheap to buy because the model wants to keep the monetary system as cheap as possible at fixed prices because there is no need for inflation or price rises in a monetary system. Inflation and price rises exist for two reasons today:

1) to create higher profit to those who own and issue the money, as well as their businesses, and
2) to reduce your purchasing ability to levels where you become dependent upon government support. And when on government support, you become a slave to your political suppressors.

This is why One World Society will experience no inflation or price rises EVER. All we need is cheap access to everything we need for survival and to live a great life as healthy as possible with lots of great services provided free because WE and our natural resources are our country’s combined money, and that will be more than enough to provide every one of us all the economic security we need in the coming paradise.

When you are born, you are estimated to a lifespan of 100 years, which will provide each country 120 million per living human being per year. When you times this number with each living one in your country, you will see that this sums up to an astronomical number.

Add all your natural resources’ profits from sales to other countries, and you bask in money. Remember, things do not need to cost a lot to build or make, because when big companies no longer get profits through the roof, it will probably take ten thousand workers with necessary machinery and equipment and whatever else is needed to build a 2,000 km highway with 4 or more lanes in less than a year. This way there will be almost no costs to what we create for ourselves. Remember, we own the resources used to build the roads, and we do the work building them, so that all we might have to do is import some machinery, and with the ONE World Society monetary system, we can buy or barter products between countries. That way everything will be very cheap compared to today’s draconian schemes to rip us off.

By now, some of you might wonder:

Why do we need a monetary system at all?

That’s a great question. Unfortunately, we need to keep a monetary system alive because otherwise too many of us would not want to work any more, and when too many do nothing, our paradise won’t happen. Remember, we still have to toil with accidents and diseases, and maybe also drought and other natural disasters that require us to have a health system, workers to rebuild and farmers to produce food etc and a service system to provide us what we need to create a paradise in every local community on the planet.

It is also a stimulant for creative people to get their ideas and their talents realized. With no money, it is feared that our coming model will collapse. There is also the problem with too much idlety (time doing nothing), that will drive us into some need for something to do, or we go crazy. And if there is no food in the shops and you start starving because everyone is like you, not wanting to do anything, we will start killing and eating each other like in previous times of lack of food. So you see, there will be a need for money as a stimulant for us to create the paradise we wish.

    1. Our ability to stay strong and healthy depend upon fewer working days and fewer working hours per day plus eating healthy energy-giving, nutritious-rich foods. This gives us more spare time and a much higher quality of life than that of today. Today’s system deliberate exaust us for profit, and at the same time steal most of our income and valuable spare time. Improving our health alone will spare us lots of unecessary diseases with pain, horrible deaths as well as save us hundreds of billions a year.
    2. The more self-sufficient we are in all areas of necessity for us guarantees us more independency in ways that can save us lots of money - because we won’t have to import so much from other countries.
    3. As mentioned, we can easy set up bartering systems between countries and ourselves to minimize the use of money. 

Our aim is to enable all of us to live the greatest life ever, and we can do that by removing stress and monetary pressures, medication and radiating technology like today’s SMART 5G LED genocide-of-man-technology our governments force upon us to make money off of our slow dying radiation diseases.

Politicians don’t work for us, which is why WE need to work for us by making all laws and systems work in every one’s favor. We are all equal in the One World Society, also across borders. We are one big family. With One World Society every one can have a great life where they live, no matter where on our planet.

There will be no wars, no need to flee or search a better life elsewhere, but if you live in areas where there is just barren desert or pure jungle, there is no restriction to move to a more desirable place in your country or the world.

Remember, we have suppressed technology and knowledge that could make deserts very fertile and refreshing new oases where people can establish new homes.

All companies within One World Society will be owned by their workers through a share system that increases with one new ownership share per year. Let’s say that you own 5 shares in the company you work for. These 5 shares entitle you to 5 shares’ worth of the company’s profits on top of your monthly salary.

One third of your company’s overturn will go to salaries. One third goes to run the company, and the last third is set aside for bad times and new investments.

Every one who invents or creates something out of their own ideas, like machinery, utensils, music, stories, films or knitting and sewing their own clothes, is regarded as an individual enterprise. The money these earn, like when working in a corporative company, will be divided into three. One part will go to salary, the second to those who help realizing or publishing, recording or filming etc, and part three will be set aside as security, because artists very often just have an upturn of maybe a few years; and also to finance everything talented creators need of equipment to be able to create and do what they do, as well as to expand their private enterprise into salaries for assistance.   

And best of all, remember that no-one pays taxes from their income. There is no V.A.T., no road tolls, no hidden taxes or other hidden charges in ONE World Society. ONE World Society see every one as equals with equal rights and joint ownership in equal shares to everything our countries have and profit from of natural resources.

Economists will claim today’s free enterprise is much better than the ONE World Society model, but that’s a blatant lie, because today’s systems favor the very few and most resourceful people and swindlers above every one else.

The word economist and economy reveal the truth. E-con-of mist = a con of mist = economist. Words like these reflect the Maritime Law system used for justifying making profit from hocus pocus money out of thin air. They use their fake money to pay you for your real work or real products, and in doing so you in reality work for free to those who create money out of thin air and run and control the fake monetary system.

The bottom line is ONE World Society protects everyone against today’s system where swindlers run their monetary system in their favor, helped by corrupt politicians stealing most of your salaries with the use of taxes, V.A.T., road taxes and public services every one is entitled to receive for free, including hospitalization.  


One World Society will put an end to all of today’s unfair political-run schemes and theft, including theft of our children, salaries, rights and our country’s natural resources, and bring in equality and fairness for all. This is why we recommend One World Society as tomorrow’s model for all countries in the world.

The so-called smart technology our corrupt politicians force upon us without asking us whether we want it or not, is a militarized weapon developed to annihilate entire populations within a few hours.

You have the right to overthrow today’s rogue treacherous politicians in collusion with private business partners in their crimes against humanity. You are in your right when making citizens arrests, as these through their interaction with the Bilderberg group's private interests and owners are proven thieves and mass murderers and many are already dying as a result.  


Mass arrests need to be made now in every local council, and in government, parliament, judicial systems and freemason lodges before THEY succeed in getting rid of us with their SMART 5G LED weapons technology.


If we do nothing while there is still time we get nothing other than an unmarked grave.  


Poll Questions

  • Would you prefer a society with equality, fairness and prosperity for all rather than today's globalist-run terrorism on our lives and rights?
  • Would you prefer a society where all basic necessities for life are free, with fewer working hours, and the right to self-realization of your ideas and talent?

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