STATE CITIZEN versus living man, woman and child

A state citizen (or just citizen) is not the same as the living man or a living woman or living child. The state citizen is a fraudulent identity forced upon you by the state corporation at birth, (for example UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. or DEUTSCHLAND GMBH) to steal your share of your country's joint-owned values attached to you, to use you as free labor to profit them and to remove your rights as living man and woman.


Every living man, woman and child born on Earth are protected by Creator-given rights to live life to the full except when committing crimes. As an example, it is not a crime to say no to COVID-19 vaccination, but it is a huge Nuremburg 2 crime to force someone to vaccinate against their own free will. It is a crime to prevent people from buying food unless they wear a mask, or to threaten and instigate lockdowns of society to achieve their goals or agendas to enslave humanity under their control as we see now, unfolding, based on a COVID-19 propaganda lie, used as a precursor to what the free living men, women and children now experience, taking their freedoms away from them. These are crimes.



Most people have no idea today that they have rights as living man, woman and child, so this article focuses on the fraud, how your rights were removed - by the state.


They removed your rights at your birth, through the issuing of the birth certificate, enabling them to use you as free labor and income source through taxes and service fees without you knowing it. This is why in Germany, for example, even newborn babies are issued with a STEUERNUMMER (tax number). This is their way of forcing you into their system.


In Germany the sly state has in addition set up something called Staatsangehörigenausweis so that those who become aware of the reality of the state system are tricked into believing this is an alternative, but how can it be an alternative when it belongs to the same state system? Remember, there is something called controlled opposition!


Staatsbürger and Staatsangehörigenausweis are two sides of the same coin! It is living man and woman of the living land we need to declare ourselves, nothing else, because as state citizen you have no rights whatsoever, but they don't tell you that, do they? How does this all work? Let's look at the role of the birth certificate in this mammoth fraud.


Today's birth certificate is a trading document, not the same as a Declaration of birth. They put together today's birth certificate (certificate is a trading document) to create a fraudulent corporate identity of you, your name in CAPITAL LETTERS, also known as strawman, allowing them to steal the values attached to real you, the living man or woman, that THEY now own. They use this fake strawman identity to trade with your rightful owned share of your country's joint values, worth many millions, and use you as collateral for their fake monetary system.


Many thousand companies trade on your birth certificate throughout your life, and also every time you purchase something, make a transaction. For example: every time you take money out of the bank, buy something on internet, use your bank card or say yes to the sly telephone salesman "Am I speaking to John Deed?" or just "Hallo, John" when they are complete strangers to you and just using this phrasing, building your name into communication with you on the 'phone, to trick you into allowing them (without you knowing) to trade on your birth certificate/contract with your birth certificate so they can make money off of you, when you (innocent) say "Yes". These sly criminals also set up fake transactions in your name, such as claiming a parcel is coming today when you haven't ordered anything and claim you drove past a road toll you haven't - just so they can money launder a transaction on your BIRTH CERTIFICATE. And by the way, you should never have to pay road tolls because you own the land, together with everyone else on Earth. It's pure theft, and none of the money goes to road maintenance, just so you know - it goes straight into freemasonry-owned companies. It doesn't cost anything to maintain the roads because everything is fake digital money that freemason industry leaders get put into their account by making a 'phone call to their freemason-friend bank manager! Just remember, we are all joint-owners of the Earth and its resources.


The bottom line is YOU are the creditor, but now you end up paying for the natural resources that are rightful your's to the thieves who have stolen them from you and now you have to buy them off THEM, vasty overpriced: oil, gas and electricity etc - and don't forget those road tolls!


This grand theft of your country's natural resources into private hands took place quietly in the post second world war years when political traitors set up private-owned companies to slow transfer what previous were your country's joint-owned resources and service administration into their hands. In addition, since the introduction of digital money, they can literally buy up the world for nothing, while we have to work hard and sit with virtually nothing at the end of each month.


See for yourself how sly they do this. You will notice this stealth (hidden) piracy transaction system is deliberately built into, for example, online purchacing forms, forcing you to be a title (MR, MISS, MRS) and/or demand your birth date in order to complete your order.


As said above, we are the banks' creditors, and whenever the banks owe too many people too much money because of overspending and lending, they use wars and vaccination campaigns to kill as many creditors as they can - through drafting and scaremongery to vaccinate. Don't forget the "Spanish 'flu" of 1918/19 - they always repeat the same playbook - mass vaccination and messing with electromagnetism. Today's events resemble those of the "Spanish 'flu" with mass-vaxx and 5G kill grid, two parallel weapons of mass destruction. 


All wars are bankers' wars, as the big bank families running the financial world through their political society systems, do whatever they can to get their hands on oil, gold or gas etc from innocent nations. Bankers' wars are all about centralizing power, stealing resources and human sacrifice. Leading bank families are generational satanists who believe killing many people gives them great power, even though this sounds insane!


A state citizen/citizen is a thing/object/title (like PERSON), a non-living entity, and not a living man or woman or child with Creator-given rights. If you accept to be a PERSON you are a "thing" owned by the state corporation allowing them to do to you whatever they wish with their self-invented Commercial/Maritime Law/Admiralty Law system, because by their definition you are not a living man until you are self-declared a living man or woman under International Common Law.


The brutal truth is that as a citizen of state you have no rights, though they will never admit this to you. You have the right to pay tax to them, and the right to a lawyer, to try your case in their courts in their fake legal system, but all within these systems know you have no real rights in their system - it's just about making a buck and scr--ing you over. They refer to you, without informing you as a dead entity, your strawman, the birth certificate identity, because they are all corporations and can only contract with another corporation, so they force you to be the strawman identity = your name in CAPITAL LETTERS which is a corporation.


You can reclaim your rights as living man or woman at or similar in your country. The Common Law Court has created an International database for all living men and women. By declaring your live birth, you have a record that you exist. Unless you do this, the only existing record for you is a legal fiction which the state has attached to you; this means that you fall under their rules.


By recording your birth with the Common Law Court, you now have an option, you can turn your back on their fraudulent legal and statutory and rules system (Admiralty Law/Maritime Law) by standing under the authority and jurisdiction of Common Law to reclaim your rights as a living man, woman and child, or become a sovereign in your own right - learn the best of all systems and use their system against them - for your benefit! You might want to look into these links: and , Russell-Jay: Gould , WAR-CASTLES and .


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