Why politics doesn't work - Part 2

Why politics doesn't work - Part 1

Politics is a closed system that only backs its own, works for filling its own wallets and power.


Those outside politics hoping to challenge the system from within will only achieve something if they have a landslide victory of support from the population - but how will they achieve that - unless they hold a parallel indepedent count-up of votes OUTSIDE the fraudulent parliamentary system?

The hard truth is that politics is a control system, ensuring very little of benefit comes to us - dressed up as a system that provides positive things to us - when it doesn't!





If you want to see the reality of politics, the banks' control of politicians and the fraudulent and legal (league of lies) system, just look at the British TV series Poldark. Just see what happens when Poldark goes into politics to do good for his people. This series shows it as it is: how the upper class, royalty, millionnaires, banks and political leaders do everything they can to hinder prosperity for the little man = us. The Poldark series teaches a lot of reality - and nothing has happened since - today it's just the same - no little man is allowed success, he must be crushed by the banks/ruling elite.


Those hoping to change things from outside have to absorb the fact that the only politicians who get anywhere in politics are those from specific families, backgrounds, colleges and/or lodges - who were CHOSEN to get somewhere in politics.


If you are not a skull 'n bone Yale bird or from a similar college-prepared candidate for globalist politics, you can more or less forget it - unless you can win by landslide by getting the whole population behind you - as should be the case for candidates wanting to remove the SMART 5G and LED genocide technologies their competitors are all backing! But be careful, they'll probably just assassinate you - and THAT shows you the reality of politics - if you didn't already know it!


The booing system in Parliament is set up to boo everyone who comes with great proposals and solutions that benefit us, but NOT the establishment. It's a boo-ly = bully system, put in place to bully = hinder anyone coming with great solutions and proposals. In other words, politics is set up to hinder any attempt to make changes in society that benefit us - its real intention is to only benefit the ruling elite's criminal activities - and to keep that status quo for every generation.  


There ARE some good people in the upper echelon, but too few to make a difference in our favor.


You probably think politicians in Parliament/Congress work for you - and some DO try to work for you - but they are booed out of office after one period - unless they have massive local support. The hard truth is you are not welcome in politics if you're honest. The vast majority of politics are only interested in preserving their own backs and the existing power structure which produces millions for THEIR pockets - as thank you for running the world's global elite's errands = crimes. Just look around you to see what is revealing itself around the world today to get the picture!


To succeed, good people need to set up their own alternative parliament-like system and work behind the scenes until they have enough support in the population, at least two-thirds, so they can go into the new parliament with a two-third majority mandate to vote for changes in our favor. Unfortunately, InfoWarriors of Norway do not think we have time to go the "political way" to save our lives from the SMART 5G LED genocide. All points in the direction that local councils are not going to respect the "legal" (= unlawful and non-valid fake law system) system's moratoriums (5G roll outs put on hold), because the elite is hell-bent on killing us - because so many of us worldwide are waking up to all the deception, crimes and lies of the elite and their societal systems - not least because of the daily revelations of their crimes in pedophilia, satanism, child trafficking, cannibalism, child and human sacrifice and the like.

Because of all the truth rolling out they are now getting desperate and therefore very dangerous, hell-bent on killing us - especially as we all now know that the SMART 5G LED and WIFI technologies are uninsurable, because, of course, they are a weapons system - now being deployed to kill us with the politicians' support! See weapons expert, Mark Steele's, latest technical breakdown of the weaponized street lamps (above) and hear how they are harming and killing people in the Gateshead/Newcastle area of England/United Kingdom.


Having read Part 1 and the above you now realize that politics is a scam. In today's political system we are work slaves for survival, are taxed through the roof and work for free. By now you have realized that politics is a lost cause - run by, for the most part greedy, narcisstic and degenerate people. We all deserve a better world. In order to create a better world we have to work on two projects parallel to each other - removing today's "elite"/the New World Order and the SMART 5G LED technologies - before they and their technologies deployed against ut - kill us.


With the SMART 5G LED genocide threat staring us in the face, everyone worldwide is waking up to the reality that politicians, judges, royalty, Vatican and the banks all want us dead, as well as becoming aware of countless other layers of deception that has been presented to us as "truth" years - when they are not - and that when one investigates - all these lies and deception always points back to Rome = the satanic triad of Vatican, European royalty and their bankser who jointly own all states and governments worldwide, and their puppet politicians.


When everyone worldwide realizes that government, state, politics, the legal and banking systems are fraudulent and unlawful, run by satanists to serve their satanic agendas, and parallel to this know know that none of those running their errands are willing to do anything to stop the SMART 5G LED roll-out, but are tacit supporting it, we will all realize that we no longer want THEM and their systems. That day is fast approaching, but we fear many will die before people will be willing to do what it takes to end to worldwide tyranny.


We must prepare ourselves to have to physically remove all these technologies, stop going to work and literally work day and night to remove them - and storm the bastille - to save our lives. We all have the right to self-defence. There is no time for thinking of repercussion. Repercussors will also die - if they don't join us against their tyrant bosses. The positive news is we outnumber them 50,000 to 1, so all we need to do is to cooperate.


With the SMART 5G and LED genocide threat removed we can focus our efforts on setting up a fairness and prosperity for all direct democracy model that works in our favor - with a service system that implements all positive proposals we make locally, and agree upon by a 55% majority poll.

We see the threat of the SMART 5G LED genocide being a catalyst for change, creating great light at the end of today's very dark tunnel. The SMART 5G LED genocide threat will unite all of us, giving us a golden opportunity to reset our societies and set up a fairness and prosperity for all ONE World Society direct democracy providing us what we need, worldwide, that which politics never did.


Who wants royalty, papalcy, politicians and all their fake systems when everyone worldwide realizes that these are the same that want us dead and are now killing us with radiation and countless other weapons like medication, vaccination, GMO and poisoned water, food and air etc - and we haven't even mentioned child abuse…


In order to set up this wonderful alternative we have to cooperate now in first removing the SMART 5G and LED threat and the New World Order. When millions start dying politics is dead - and together with it - state, government, royalty, Vatican and the bankster gangsters - because radiation does not differentiate between a politician and banker or a homeless man on the street.


We need to set up this direct democracy ourself, and the way to do so is by supporting and voting for the ONE World Society direct democracy model - a model that is being channeled to dedicated channelers on Earth right now! Just wait 'til you see the benefits of this model. It opens up for creating local paradises where we live, wherever we live, on Earth - turning all local communities into paradises. You might say: "Utopia?" Well, that depends on you and you and you and all of us. When we cooperate in oneness everything is possible!  


The ONE World Society direct democracy model brings with it real laws that favor us, protect us, protect peoples' rights to free speech, the right to move free everywhere as well as return our part of our country's natural resources' income. This model is channeled by ONE Creator self and will be presented from early 2020 onwards.


We have seen and read some of the channeled model's systems and benefits. They are fair and beneficial and bring prosperity to all. Sceptical? Just remember, today's system allows the global elite to control and steal everything we own to enrich, empower and benefit them - and are now killing us. Wouldn't you rather choose a direct democracy fairness and prosperity for all model?

Poll Questions

  • Do you know that LED street lamps can easy be weaponized through changing their fittings, and that once weaponized, can kill you?
  • If you are in the United Kingdom, support saveusnow.org.uk and 5gawareness.com. Wherever you live, spread awareness about the SMART 5G LED weapons systems and inform everyone that the LED street lamps are designed and/or being amended with deliberate intent to kill us. Are you prepared to start saving your own life through action?
  • Politicians think we are too "dumb" to be able to make decisions with regards to our own lives. Do you agree?
  • Having read Part 1 and Part 2 of "Why politics doesn't work", you now realize that politics is fraud, theft and a vehicle for genocide. Are you prepared to assist in setting up an open source real direct democracy when we've got rid of the New World Order?

Article Videos

5G causes mass MENTAL ILLNESS and even PERSONALITY changes