Are you living in an illusion?

Do you still believe politicians work for you, when they work for themselves to fill their own freemasons pockets as part of the Bilderberg group/New World Order and that amongst these groups' members are pedophiles, child-killing and human blood-drinking cronies who believe their lives can be prolongued through drinking the blood of freshly slaughtered children, whom they just prior to killing, had sexually abused and tortured? 

Do you still believe in what your mainstream serves you when it is used to manipulate you, to scare you and to brainwash you into accepting tailor-made agendas of the freemasonry/Bilderberg Group/New World Order?

Do you still believe in today's world’s monetary system when it is hocus-pocus conjured-out-of-thin-air paper or created through typing in digital numbers on a screen with no real values backing it up?

Do you still believe in religions when these, aside spirituality, are invented to control you, to make you afraid, to make you obey, hand over your money to already overweight priests and cardinals or to set you up against each other to hate each other so that Kings and Queens and Popes and generals (all of them freemasons) together with, in modern times, the politicians, bankster-gangsters and Bilderberg Group/New World Order can set up wars whilst you are busy hating each other - because of differences of religion - so they can use their owned-and-controlled media to serve your tailor-made fake news to increase your fear and hate so you volunteer to be a soldier in THEIR WARS, getting yourselves to kill each other on their behalf, so they divert attention from their robbing of your countries’ resources - agreed between the top leaders in advance - all of whom are freemasons and criminals, whilst making all that money for their own industrial military complex and then brainwash you through the media to give your money voluntary to pay for the refugees through wars THEY create for profit, by making you hand over millons annually on Television Donations for "charity" - when these same criminals own these charities?

And then, if that were not enough, the bankster-gangsters conjure up hocus-pocus-money-out-of-thin-air and PAY for the so-called refugees that they invite to Europe or to America to destroy your economies and create friction in your societies, enticing them to your country because these criminals have already destroyed these unfortunate peoples' own home country, by starting wars through the use of lies and false flags to rob that country of its' resources? 

Do you still believe in the "help" you can get from lawyers when in all of Europe the legal system is based on fraud and has been since year one - and even more so since Constitutions were demolished in Europe through each country's ratification of the Bretton Woods Agreement and thereby, through their Kings and Queen allowing these - as THEY are of course onto it - and whom many of you still adore and follow their weddings on the TV - who have sold their respective countries to their buddies in the New World Order - whose fake Maritime Laws now control your country and which overwrite your Constitution from the end of the Second World War and onwards, meaning you pay your lawyers (language etymology root:liars) huge sums of money only to lose in court (in Norway, especially, because Norway's total-controlled-freemasonry-run legal system is out of control on all levels and whose country does not have one single Judge that supports the Constitution).

Know that the legal system was invented to rob you, whilst you blindly believe these people can assist you because of their high-and-standing nice suits and educated voices and behind the scenes amend laws to further rob you to support the other two most fraudulent systems on earth - beside religion - the monetary system and parliamentarism, more well known as "democracy"?

Do you still believe in "democracy" when democracy means decisions made by the few for the many, but does not define WHICH few and reveal who these few are, not revealing that today's system of politics = parlamentarism was invented by the Illuminati as a subterfuge method to allow the families in the Illuminati to continue their control over countries by hiding their families' ties to each other and royalty, that lurks in the background, pretending they have no power, when they hold almost all the power in the world?

Do you still believe that doctors can help you when the majority of these, apart from those that stitch you up after accidents, broken bones, explosions and the like, unless they are genuine doctors with good knowledge in nutrition and natural health medecines, always advising you to cure yourself through natural medecine combined with correct nutrition and changing your habits and SHARING this knowledge with you, are just salesmen for the pharmaceutical industry, assisting your country’s Deep State families who import legal and illegal "pharmaceuticals" through wars for "democracy" = wars over control for opium and the other usual resources they land-grab for, which they then put you on, when you go the doctor, to give THEM control over YOU - when you become dependent on illegal drugs, or legal drugs should you be for example depressed; either way the same criminals control your countries' medical industry and use it to keep you dumbed down, numb, in apathy, weak and chronic ill rather than cure you - because, heaven forbid, should you be cured, they can't make any money and you might start thinking for yourself!

And this is why you have State Advisory Boards that advise you to eat lots of meat, bread and drink milk because THEY know that these foods have virtually no nutritional value and that pasteurized milk is 100% depleted of any energy and benefit to you, unlike fat-rich milk straight from a cow on an organic farm which is fantastic beneficial for you, but THEY are NOT going to tell you that, are they?

Do you still believe chemicals and radiation cure cancer, when nearly all forms of cancer can be cured by changing your habits, eating right and taking care of yourself apart from radiation-caused cancer caused by your dependency on your wireless gadgets like mobile 'phones, wireless/bluetooth gadgets, tablets, microwaves, 5G and smarttechnology FROM WHICH THERE IS NO CURE - so get rid of these now, or there will be huge cases of cancer death shortly. 

Stop supporting these criminals by buying and using their technology! Stop them by stopping to buy their products and stop using them.

Do you still believe in "official" medical research, or any other "research" for that matter, when 95% or more of this is paid for by the pharmaceutical industry or the many other Deep State departments, paid for by themselves = the bankster-gangsters controlling governments and their millions of other Deep State institutions like Think Tanks, not to mention universities? And should you have a wonderful idea, like for example, a good and cheap method to make free energy and write a long paper on this, hoping to get a Phd (Doctorate) with flying colors, your college advisor will come to you, quietly and tell you, face to face, "Sorry, but you can't publish this paper", because publishing your paper would be a threat to the same control system and you can be sure your college's top board is full of freemasons that threaten your college advisor from the highest level, ensuring that you are forbidden from having your work published, because, heaven forbid should you have a good idea and many truths of their lies come out, THEY, the Bilderberg Group/New World Order might lose control and lose some of their money?

Do you in Norway still believe in celebrating your FN (United Nations) day each autumn in your kindergartens and schools when this New World Order organisation is behind wars for profit, for companies which your country' politicians have large ownership in, bombing other countries for personal profit to their hidden off-shore tax-free accounts in the Bahamas and the like to assist Soros to complete his flood-the western world-with-paid-for-refugees plan?

Do you still believe in vaccines when these are you designed to weaken you and/or make you sick either now or later to keep you dependent on the medical industry so they profit from you, whilst keeping you in long-term pain?

Do you still believe the medical industry works for you at all, when they couldn't care less at the top levels. You only exist, just about, so they can make huge profits?

You are living in the last stages of our current fake reality.

We are living in an illusion not based on reality, but a false reality that is presented to ourselves by the gatekeepers who want to keep it that way, as described by the picture above

Before we can see reality we have to take in and absorb what is wrong with our world today, confront the fake realities that are presented to us day in and day out 24 hours day.

You are deluded when you vote for political parties and/or politicians who promise us prosperity, safety, security and a great life when putting these in power throughout history shows us that politicians always WORK FOR THEMSELVES, international banks and businesses, charity organisations with great sounding names – with what sounds like great causes, but when you research these organisations, you find out they are mostly owned by THEMSELVES. We are also deluded when we believe that politicians care about us at all, when they don’t!

You are deluded when you think that elections are fair – when they are rigged 99% of the time in advance, because the freemasons and bankster-gangsters have already decided both who you get to vote for, and who is chosen!

You are deluded when you trust lawyers to fix your problems when that is impossible in all "democratic" countries with open-ended laws intentionally made up (in Norway: Norges Lover) so that you spend a fortune trying to win a case that only maybe can be won because open-ended laws are not definite in their wording, but allow for doubt and speculation so that a normal open-and-shut case that should be solved in 2 minutes, deliberately takes months and years for those greedy lawyers, so all those within the freemason system profit!

You are deluded when you think that politicians work for our interests when they approve mass immigration which will increase our risk of being exposed to physical threat and violence, rape, poverty and diseases, as well as agree and allowing with their pedophile cronies in the New World Order to our being radiated to death through 3G+ technology including the death rays of 5G, all smart technology and wireless technology.

You are deluded in Norway when you believe we have to obey authorities when these authorities are all Deep State privately-owned companies, as Norway has never been anything but Deep State since 10th January, 1940.

You are deluded when you believe that leaders on top levels within the Norwegian police, judges, military officers, politicians, town mayors and other leaders in business or the education system and so on are not all chosen for their loyalty to their masonic lodges whose task is to destabilize and plunder Norway on behalf of their leaders, the international freemasonry = the Bilderberg Group/New World Order.

And remember, every year the newspapers write  "'Flu is coming shortly" or the like. And how do you think the media always knows this in advance? Because of course, your  mainstream media is also owned-and-controlled by the same people who run the pharmaceutical industry and get your newspapers to have headlines like: "This year the ‘flu vaccines did not work!" – when of course they worked better than ever before – everyone who took the ‘flu shot got ill – got SHOT! The medical industry and their paid buddies in the fake media always run a line claiming this year’s vaccine did not work to protect as intended, as a guise to the fact that they have given you the ‘flu for profit for THEM, and at the same time plant next year’s flu is already planted, currently dormant, in your body as a time bomb waiting to go off for them to make money from you next winter - when you run back to your doctor, ill with terrible ‘flu!

The doctors’ and medical industry’s intention is to gradually destroy your immune defence system to enslave you into their medical tyranny for HUGE profits at your life quality’s expense! Why else do you think Norway’s greedy, criminal electricity supply companies are so desperate to put in those smart meters - can they also be in bed with the pharmaceutical companies? Haven’t you remembered that when they sit in their freemasons lodges the directors of the electricity suppliers sit next to the bosses of the pharmaceutical companies who will hand out all the drug cocktails you are going to need when you get brain cancer, unless of course you are smart and eat the right nutrition and have stopped going to doctors which will protect you a lot longer.  

Remember, parliamentary democracy is an elaborate system to stealthily rob your country and you of your rights and wealth through the central banking system = the banks making up the Federal Reserve. We are all deluded when we believe that our country is a "democracy" when the Rothschilds have hijacked it through forcing your country into slavery using maritime law and forcing you into slavery through the introduction of legal name (judicial) persons, electronic banking and ID slavery.

You are deluded when you believe parliamentarism is what you believe democracy to be = that politicians SERVE the people when they don't. Today’s political system is piracy, a massive ponzi scheme to steathily rob you with the assistance of banks, commerce, politics and the legal system.

You are deluded when you believe that eating junk food and buying and eating GMO food won’t have consequences on your health, first making you subtly overweight, than supersized, panting from all the effort of getting around with all that extra weight! Sooner or later you will run to your doctor, believing he or she can help you when you have back problems, gut problems, heart problems which you think he or she can fix with pill popping when you know, deep down, that YOU are the one who is responsible for your bad health because of all your slavery to taste rather than what is good for you and to your slavery to your CONVENIENCES: your mobile, wifi and smart technology, which all have contributed to you being lazy, weak, fat and ill, because YOU couldn’t be bothered to change your habits and diet and rather than took responsibility for your own life, let the doctors decide!

You are deluded when you believe there is a difference between a kilo of gold, a kilo of dollars and a kilo of toilet paper. None can be used to drink or eat or house you, though the last two can be burned both to heat you, and wipe your rear!

We are deluded when we continue to believe that all the above serve us or work with our favor in mind when they don't. Parliamentarism, the banks and finance system, the legal system and the pharmaceutical industry and all other New World Order conglomerates are all pirates and only represent piracy, suppression and aggression towards to ourselves. 

What do you think a mouse will answer when asked: "Do cats take care of your interests"?

All politicians are cats, greedy and ready to pounce. Even good-willed cats, initially not hungry, will want to kill you, mouse, eat you sooner or later.

So let us stop living in illusions and delusions and stop supporting "democracies" and turncoat freemasons. Let us unite and work on establishing real peoples’ democracies. Wake up! This is reality and reality does not go away, just because you do not like it. Many mice fool themselves to believe that the cat cannot see them or find them.... but we all know what happens...sooner or later. In this story the cat is freemasonry/banking and government.


Poll Questions

  • Having read the above, are you still willing to vote for politicians who betray you 24 hours a day?

    If you answer yes you must be either a politician yourself, related to one, a freemason or an agent for these, because no informed, normal, sane person would ever vote for suppressors, thieves and traitors to their own country.
  • Now that you know how dangerous smart technology and wireless technology is, are you still willing to put your life and the life of those around you in jeopardy?

Article Videos

Fall of the Cabal (original #1-10)


Out of the Shadows