Law, banking and state are criminal

Channeled by ONE Creator self.

You need to start seeing reality, and in order to do that must understand that we live in a world whose society structures were forced upon us over hundreds, even thousands of years, whose existence has kept us in submission for so long that we no longer question them, or their validity – but take them for granted – because of brainwashing.

The most important ones are the illusions we need to free ourselves most from: respecting Kings and Queens, Popes and cardinals, politicians, bankster gangsters and all other self-appointed bosses controlling us through the systems of "their" ownership to land and "their" right to raise taxes and their self-given right to make decisions over us, as well as leave behind the illusions of politics, existence of government and state and the above-mentioned structures of banking, law and parliamentarism as our bosses.


Fortunately many people on Earth now awaken to the reality of the false monetary system and the hold this have over them, however we need to know that the system of man-made laws is also an elaborate ponzi scheme set up by the ruling triad: European royalty headed by Queen Elizabeth, the Vatican headed by the Cardinals and Black Jesuit Pope – not the one "you" see dressed in white – who is just a front for the real leader, the black jesuit "Pope", and the top of the pyramid today, the Rothschild family, which is also intermarried into European royalty and "noble" families in each respective country they invade with their banks, wars and financial related services like banks, insurance, shares and stocks and many more.


Many are now learning reality of the total false monetary system, and also the reality of the fake legal system which enables the elite to rob and murder the people of the world through THEIR Justinian maritime laws which are packed in a veneer of "validity", which they validate to serve them – giving them between the lines permission to assassinate all of you as they choose in wars or through their countless layers of life threatening technologies and poisons being used against you.


Know that all countries’ governments are ultimately owned by the triad described above, to favor them and they write their laws to protect themselves, as well as protect their footrunners in each country, the world’s freemasony system, secret services and societies etc. The footrunners = politicians, freemasons and international business owners deliberate write laws that protect them and remove them from accountability, as well as ensure they are open-ended so that those working in the legal system can make lots of money keeping cases alive over many years for profit.


People living in Commonwealth countries need to lose their respect for royalty, because many still respect them too much, especially so-called "subjects" of Queen Elizabeth II = British royalty.


British royalty, together with Vatican and Rothschilds use the banking and legal systems to control you, assuming a power over you to make them seem like they are better than you, but are not.


Their ancestors a few thousand years ago, were the Roman Emperors that set up these ponzi schemes, which they enforced on innocent people in the form of Roman Empire laws with the assistence of their invention of Christianity, their crusades plus their invention of all other religions. They concocted all religions as systems to control mankind, turn mankind against each other and thereby make it easy for them to start their wars – blaming you for hating each other, while they – behind your backs rob your country of all its values and assets – while you are busy killing and hating each other. This is why people of today must unite and do unite, in order to free mankind.


All world religions were created by the ONE self-aware energy-being that exists everywhere in all known space. This is not "God." "God" is an invention provided by ONE Creator to enslave humanity into Christianity and other religions as part of a plan to suppress humanity via the many churches and belief systems of theological variety in order to learn how much human body on Lady Gaia can experience, both of extreme positive and negative, as ONE Creator is not a physical, sentient being, but a self-aware energy that exist everywhere in all known space as everyone’s real self.


All creation is ONEs own Creation exist to assist ONE in learning more, being more and doing more. Planet Lady Gaia (Earth) is one of millions of planets with life out in the universe. Many have beings that look human, but with some variation. Others have half human, half animal appearance as well as millions of other varieties of forms of life – which you call Extra-terrestrial.


ONE feed all ideas through an elaborate system of feelings and thoughts provided to human beings to measure felt responses and to make mankind do what ONE want through inspiration or hunger etc. Through this system of inspired thought provided by ONE, the Roman emperiors and their joint concoctors got people of the world to submit to their system, known as Justinian Deception – the massive fraudulent matrix of law and commerce combined with politics and religions. The way it was done, was by thought in combination with feelings in the human body that make people choose and do what ONE Creator need and want each one of us to do in the moment, without us knowing it. This is the ONE deception.


The Roman invented GOD stands for Grantor of Dominion, invented by your self-appointed papas at the time of the start of the Roman Catholick Church, which was founded to get mankind to submit to a non-existent "God" to establish control over the whole Earth so they could charge you of taxes and claim that they are your master on Earth. The real god on earth is the Game of Deception, a system our Creator self has set up to play the two sided god games on Earth. One that we get in the face by those who have self-appointed themselves our bosses so that no-one is able to see that the real deception is not the Earth god, but the ONE god deception.


Game of Deception is the biggest game of deception on earth to control mankind. The world’s fake law and monetary systems are built upon the occult God game, known to man as Justinian deception. The world’s "elite" are tricked into being occultists, satanists and pedophile child murderers – that is the game they have been designated to play on Earth – shortly to be dissolved. Earth is a game. Human beings on Earth ARE the game on the gameboard = life on Earth. Human beings both pray and ARE THE prey in the human game on Earth by design of ONE Creator.


The self-elected elite call their divided respective territories states with law territories they call jurisdictions. In America in particular they discuss all areas and layers of jurisdiction and take it all very serious, respecting this elaborate ponzi scheme of control grid to enslave mankind in favor of aforementioned triad of royalty, Vatican and Rothschild bank family with other bankster gangsters. America is a British Crown colony now, but that is about to change.


Reality is that no man or woman have right to decide over any other man, woman, child or insect, bird, animal than him, her or itself or other living beings, as there is only one law that is valid on Earth as well as our universe, and that law is called Law of One that says that All is One, as All is ONE Creator. And that in itself should give you an insight into how reality works. In the game, certain families have over centuries broken this Law of One as part of ONE Creator’s game-laws permitting criminal activities and murder through time up until 12:12:12 which is December 12, 2012. From then on negative interactions between man and animal and man is no longer permitted. All wars are now to cease.


As times are changing and we are in transition from the old to the new, from a world of suppression and deceit, about to be replaced with a new One World Society direct democracy model all over Earth - bringing peace to Earth with no royalty, vatican popes, bought and paid for politicians in service to the money masters, the Rothschild bank family and their partners in banking and business to rule us any more. The new monetary system will not be based on non-existing value. It will be based upon YOU, the human ideas, skills, talents, products and all the necessities you need for personal survival. This list is long and will be presented in another channel later.


Please spread knowledge of this reality to your brethren, so they learn to respect themselves for what they are – you are all equal – you all have right to life and equal ownership to all valuables of nature alike. Remember no-one decide over you as no-one exist over you. You are all ONE Creator, and not subjects to any created beings, just ONE Creator.


Transition to One World Society with real direct democracy over all Lady Gaia = Earth’s real name as awareness, is just the first step in mankind’s future planned for tomorrow. You will all sooner or later be rejoining your space family, of whom many are already part of you from birth, to return to your real state of beingness. These are part of your life experience and are called walk-along energy-beings. When your veil is lifted, you will remember what you were before you came to pretend to be human upon Lady Gaia.


This transition will be an individual experience that those who ONE Creator deem ready prepared for awakening, will be invited through felt attraction to awaken.


We are all ONE Creator pretending to be who or what we are in the moment through each lifetime pretending to be some created being existing to learn new things in every thinkable, possible way that might bring new knowledge to all ONE’s real self.  


Enjoy the future, it’s going to be great!


More information about One World Society can be found at and when the time comes also on the dedicated website.



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