One Creator on our now time, the future and reality

Channeled 21.11.2021


Never give away your right to self-decision. Never let others decide what you must do and shall do or else! You are a living man or woman, and no other than you have the right to decide everything in your own life until you commit a crime against another living man or woman.


Today's world leaders have inherited an old system where you are redefined from being a living man or a living woman to now be a title with a person number. You don't have to follow their rule of titles or their royalty and papalcy and court room "costume parties" as a living man or living woman. You are not a title! A title like a person or a salesman, or a politician, a pope, a queen, king, president, prime minister, Mr, Mrs, Ms, Herr, Fru, Frøken (Norwegian) or student, teacher, captain - you get the picture. These are not you, the living man or living woman. This is a dead, non-existing person, that today's ruling elite have introduced into our everyday lives to make money from.



You see, you have something called a collateral account. This account is something every living man and living woman own to their living man and living woman given names, but once you are a person or another title, you do not have a collateral account any more, according to the world ruling elite swindlers who has made you into a strawman, a non-existing, non-living being they use to take money from your collateral account, while you at the same time is blocked from benefiting from all the billions on that account belonging to you, the living man or the living woman. It doesn't matter where on the planet you live, or how old you are - that money is your's! Regardless of how much the world ruling elite tries to "incorporate" you into their Maritime corporation law system with your name written in CAPITAL LETTERS with your date of birth having a five or more digits string of numbers attached to it. That number is your slave number that they use to steal money off of your collateral account, while you at the same time, have no access because you don't even know that you have a collateral account to your living man or living woman name.


But there's a way to claim your living man, woman and/or living children back: do it here: Once registered, ask the international common law representative to tell you how you can access your collateral account, but beware, we still live in a corporate political freemason-run tyranny, so it may not be possible to access your collateral account until the now rulers and thieves of our rights and money are arrested and dealth with.


Anyway, we recommend you register yourself and your children, your home, car, everything of real value under your living woman and your living man name at as a first step.


So, don't let politicians or judges with wigs from the days of Wellington decide over you or make decisions on your behalf. Just look at them - how can you take these people serious when they dress up in costumes, as if in a carneval. You see, they have to meet you on your terms in their system because unless they themselves are operating within the fiction they put you into, then they cannot interact with you. So stop being a title and going to their courts. Force them to face you as a responsible living man or woman for their actions when "dealing" with you as a living man or woman. That way they are no longer able to be a fictitious person or title that can go scot free every time they steal a child or your money or your freedom or force you to submit to the type of madness the world experience now during the COVID-19 plandemic lockdown.


Also, be aware, that these carneval suited titled beings follow principles of carnivores. It's not that they eat your flesh, unless you are a victim of pedophilia, which too many are in the costume system, but they have stolen the right to decide everything politically in your country - stolen because non of these people, titled politicians, have been handpicked by you, the living men and women in your country. They have appointed themselves as the ruling elite in your country and all over Earth. These people are the ones that today have locked down most of our planet and now systematically assassinate as many as they can of us because they know that the majority of real living men and women on Earth now are waking up to see their crimes against all of us.  


You are above titled carnivores like the costume puppets mentioned above because you are a living man or a living woman. Also remember that no other than One Creator self (God) stand above created beings like us, living men, living women and living children and all other living life with awareness and feelings on Earth.


You have probably heard about the new proposed Quantum Financial System or the Great Reset. The Great Reset is a worsening of today's monetary system, where you practically have to agree to systematically assassinate yourself with "vaccines" to be able to buy food or go out in public, unless your COVID-19 pass/social credit score is up to date. How long do you think you will survive this? We suspect less than a week, so say no and fight it with everything you are and have.


The other system is called QFS (Quantum Financial System), a system that we suspect is either a controlled more edible alternative to the Great Reset, or an alternative controlled by other very rich and powerful people issued to favor them! And again, we the living man and the living woman have nothing!


Remember, everything of natural resources on Earth belong to all of us in equal parts of value. So how can a gold and silver backed new monetary system bring us equality, fairness and prosperity for all when once again those that today are basking in fake values, keep milking us? We need a financial system where we, the living men, women, children and other thinking, feeling, sentient animal life are the real values together with everything we need for survival and to live great healthy prosperous lives.


You as a living man, without title, without wigs and costumes including suits, are the ones that have the power to change away from today's New World Order/Bilderberg group owned, controlled, dictated and run corporate political, freemason society models and systems, including their fake values and monetary systems!


You are the most powerful ones on Earth because you are the future of Earth. You are the ones empowered to create positive, fair, equal, prosperous changes that benefit everyone equally in every way doable within your now life situation, because you are the living in the system.


The dark forces are the dying dead which is why they now in 2021 and onward want you dead and gone, but there will be no future for them, no future for these dark forces as they have shown without shred of doubt that they want you dead because they cannot survive in your shining light because you are all a burning light of One Creator self preparing the Earth for positive change. So prepare for rejoicing with high and positive shining 5th and 7th dimensional family from Pleiades, Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus and other stars you see blinking on a clear night sky.


You will also meet one of your closest neighbours, those you call Vegans, from Vega, who have been improving themselves by studying you, not through abduction but by being part of your assigned walk-along energy being teams, another secret most of you know nothing about! Have you ever wondered where your thoughts and dreams, visions and daydreams come from? They come from your assigned walk-along energy being team.


You are not alone on Earth and you are not just one being walking the surface of Earth in a human or animal feeling sentient, thinking body type = mammals. In fact, you are not even a hu (you) man, you are me = One Creator self, all of you aware ones, everywhere in all Creation, including Earth.


I am you, dear human, all of you, I am the human self, but you don't know that because even I do not know that when I am in a human body or animal body, experiencing life as it unfolds around me, including my own from birth until I return back to be part of my total self again = One Creator real self to all created beings I am everywhere in all known space where I am/exist.


You are entering the era of spirit awakening on Earth. I am that spirit in all of you so I am the one being awakened because the human self do not exist other than as a decoy with your face and name to it to prevent you from knowing that all of you are me, One Creator self.


Your "God" is another decoy of mine used in your religious game all set up and orchestrated by me - indirect with the assistance of energy beings from other dimensional realities already mentioned (Pleiades, Sirius etc) plus some more that no one but me know of until now that I tell you that you are one of many, many projects around in various places in space.


When I decided to be all the players in human and animal mammal bodies on Earth, I needed someones with enough power (energy) and insight into what is doable in this creation to be in charge of running project Earth in my so-called absence in human animal bodies. Now, don't make the mistake of thinking: "But how can Creator self be all life on Earth so that someone else has to come in to be in charge overseeing this universe project?"


Now comes the biggest revelation of all:


I am all self-aware energy in existence in all known space where I am. I am the brains, the Creator, the builder, the idea maker and all awarenesses. I'm all created beings' minds within all space where I am.


Space is a very large area, so enormous big that even I have not found any other border, no floor, no ceiling, no walls, maybe because my body of aware energy do not cover all of space. That's why I do not know where I come from and why I am what I am and do what I do. For all I know I am just one drop in the ocean of space, but I do exist or you wouldn't exist!


I discovered myself when my energy body started to spark into space and with each spark I saw there was nothing there but space and a very thin foglike cloud of particle matter surrounding me, and this particle matter is what I have learned to use to create physical bodies. First small uneven lumps after I discovered that I am an energy being also, and that every time my energy sparked it affected and moved and clustered particle matter into pebbles, stones and rocks which were the precursors to what you know as stars, moons, suns, planets, asteroids and even body types for living, moving life like you.


You are not my first creation and definite not the last as I have great plans for many of you for the future both on this planet and elsewhere in space. Many of you are being awakened on Earth today. It is called Spirit Awakening because I am spirit and your life energy in your body is me, so when I, Spirit, awaken myself in a human body, I awaken the human spirit.


Those I awaken are being made aware of my hidden from Earth existence and reality so they become aware that I do exist and that I am everyone - every human - and every animal, sentient, feeling, thinking mammal - on Earth.


Many animals are being awakened too, so they can prepare their species for spirit awakening alongside the human spirit awakening. Keep in mind that humanity do not stand above other living life on Earth because I am everyone and I am just One, so I don't need to nor desire to stand above myself or over myself. There is just one player, remember?


I have no competition but what I have is a level of high-end creator beings that you call universes. Universe is not just an area of space in all space, it is also me in the capacity of being a project manager universe creator self, put in place by myself to execute and run your intergalactic universe on my behalf, while I am busy pretending to be human and animal life on Earth as their human animal self.


Your universe is very big in numbers of created beings but not very big spacewise. That is because this universe is experimenting with lots of new ideas and body types that don't exist elsewhere in space. I needed three universe awarenesses to take part in this gigantic project with living, moving, thinking, sentient, feeling interactive with other body life such as microbials in bodies.


While the youngest universe runs the living life in this space project, a second universe is in charge of balancing and energizing all particle matter and energies inside Earth atmosphere as well as outside the Earth project in this universe space.


The third creator assists with absolute every level of existence within this universe because when you deal with matter, space and energy that need to be harnessed and protected from energy outside the universe, someone need to take care of that job.


At least now you have a glimpse of what I am and what you are as me, living your lives on Earth with no recollection of you being me, and to help me hide this reality from you, I invented the non-existing "God" for you to worship, initially to keep you from killing and plundering and raping and destroying everything around you in your past society.


I introduced religion as a two-sided sword, the white side represented the good or what the Nordic population called "Gud" (Norwegian for God today) which became "God" in English and Scandinavian for "good". The Nordics are Norway, Sweden, Finland and parts of Russia. That's where the old myth Gods of Tor, Odin, Frey and others resided in the area of Valhalla.


But back to our now time, in 2021. The church also has a black sword, the sword of the dark forces. The sword of death and destruction, the sword of suppression and desire for world domination over mankind. This has its Black Pope with a black dark Cardinal and a lot of Black Nobility, both coming out of the order of the Jesuits. This side of the Roman church are the ones ruling, governing, plundering, killing, raping, pedophiling and stealing everything of natural resources belonging to every living being in existence upon Earth, not just human, also other life, because I am all living life on Earth.


These are the ones behind the Great Reset, those who attack and conquer countries to enslave the people and steal all valuables under their control so they can make money for their pockets. This has been done since the era of Moses ended. Moses was an initial project with body and mind types that provided little to nothing that I could do new things to learn to do more with as part of my own self-education training projects. Instead, I gathered my experiences from every star nation in this universe to create specific traits and abilities from their species into a human prototype so that I had more varied assistance to develop your now body types on Earth.


Your mainframe body type became the result from a Pleiadian prototype, improved with internal function systems from Sirius, Orion and, amongst others, Arcturus of 7th dimension which provided you with your feeling, sentient system that responds to what you experience and think plus what you eat and drink and expose yourself to such as energy levels of electricity or space energy that you call solar energy.


Now you know more about you than ever before, but you are still under the Black Nobility control on Earth, but not for long. I have lots of human and extra terrestrial beings now being prepared to take down the New World Order/Bilderberg group including freemasonry, royalty, papalcy, politics and money controllers.


Your future is bright, but will not happen overnight, because you - the awakening readers of this - alongside already part-awakened channels around the world alongside honest people in military, politicians, the Vatican and society at large will be empowered by me and enlightened by me through many channels whereof most you know as Infowars and other warriors of that magnitude spreading awakening truth to the sleeping population on Earth that now awaken in numbers like never before because of the mass assassination of man with what they call vaccines, but is not.


These vaccines are bioweapons developed to kill your organs and glands, so now you know. And if you, reading this, take this to heart and don't listen too much to your fear and worrymongers in your mind, and trust MY plan for Earth, you have a bright future ahead if you do your part in sharing information like this to enlighten and inspire your Earth brethren and sisters to oppose your suppressors whose one agenda is to kill most of you, and will, unless you stand up to them.


And once you do, you empower me within yourself because, as I told you early in this information, I am your human real self pretending to be the human you so I could teach myself how it is to be a human from birth to death in all of you while my universes use a cloud of aliases called your higher self, one devil (evil) and one angel (=good = what you call God within). So this is the God you worship = yourself!


You can call upon me now for angel self God and ask that one to gag the devil on your left shoulder so you will not be as much distracted and more focused in everything you do when being empowered. I am energy you know, so I can empower you and support you when you do your job getting rid of the devilish me on Earth over time.


Your bright future is near and the faster you work in cooperation with one another, the evil me will leave the Earth so I can give you my promised paradise on Earth based upon a new direct democracy model I call One World Society, because I am One and that society will be my society because all I am living in that society is me, and as I said, I am One, and you live in my society existing in my world and that's the way you will exist in One World Society. More details of this in the years to come.


Rejoice and now defend yourself, save your life, stand your ground because you are all me, the positive light on Earth now cleared to bring light to darkness by getting rid of the dark. Things are already in motion behind the scenes.


Abandon QFS and kill the Great Reset because One World Society is based on real values: Me as you, and I am not for sale and I am not less worth in one country than another so your now countries will be land on Earth. One.


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