Our rights as sovereign life on a solar-activated non-polluted planet

Channeled from ONE Creator self 2020-01-25

The elite grow food using artificial light in underground bases, thinking that artificial light sources, akin to radiation from the sun, will give them all they need, nutrition wise. They need to stop kidding themselves because artificial light made for indoor growth of food is a hoax. No artificial light can ever replace the sun, no matter what science says.


Everything growing in nature, including our natural food chain, need the full specter of our sun to solar activate and energize the rich variety of minerals plants need from the soil, and have in them. All life without solar-energized life dies.


No single lamp or group of lamps can ever replace the sun. This is another false flag for profit both when buying the equipment, and the aftermath when you need medical treatment - you think - when in reality you need solar-activated nutrition - or you will whither and die a slow painful death from lack of solar-activated minerals in your food, leading to organ failure and energy transportation stop in your body's blood and waterways.


An overcast day is not a problem because the sun is always there, but a dark basement with artificial lighting is. The sun has trillions of different types of energies for us and nature. If you think artificial lamps cover that variety and amount of energies, dream on! Don't ever lose track of the fact that governents are corporations colluding with global interests to make money off of us.


These people, caling themself the world's ruling elite, want us dead and have stated that time and again in their Agenda21 declarations with their "sustainable development"  which is about building a stable society for them WITHOUT US. They want us dead, and use your fear, worry and ignorance to make money off of you while killing you slowly. How's that for "development"?


Don't buy into all the hoaxes of this world, as the world is not a reality, but a created, artificial, society-based reality created by the world ruling elite so they can own us, make money out of us and force us to work for free for them, because they steal your salary back through all sorts of taxations and overpriced products. You are a living workslave in their favor.


Their problem is that they have artificially swindled your rights to define yourself as a living human being by setting up a fake person/strawman system through your name, and they have no right to do that without your written, stated-before-live-cameras permission to do so, for all the world to see, both during permission-giving as well as aftermath.


Their strawman system is deliberate set up with distracting, complicated-sounding subsystems, so that all living human beings who want to take their rights back by taking their real name back, are discouraged by the enormous distractive amount of non-important information created to discourage you.


Bibbi Bacchus knows exact how to do this - and she also knows one other very important information you also need to know about - and that is that YOU are Creator self walking the Earth as every living being, and because of this, we are all equal with equal rights to everything on this planet, but get almost nothing because you accept being a non-existing persona/strawman instead of taking your baptized name or parent-given name back as your identity on Earth.



Your real identity is your first name. This is why royalty writes their given name and add Rex or Regina behind it, as Rex and Regina is sovereign, and sovereign = no one but the bearer of the name have the right to decide everything in one's own life - and no-one else's.



People misunderstand the word sovereign, thinking that royalty is superior to themself, but they are sovereign to themself and not you, me or others. As already stated above, all living, moving life on Earth are equal to one another on our planet.


If you want to be your real self and your name is Mary or Paul and so on, not your family name/surname, and claim all your rights back as an equal to all other living moving life on Earth, there is no power on your planet having the right to deny you the right to be ONE Creator self walking the Earth as the ONE each one of us is.


Watch Bibbi Bacchus interviews on YouTube or Brighteon.com, she has the recipe. She is also working on a book providing the recipe in multiple languages assisted by thousands around the planet. It is time we take our life and power back, and the first step is to see beyond all their systems of fraud and deception that have put them in power over the rest of us. Know that they have no permission to put themselves above us because we are all equals. Therefore they have no right to do anything without our joint given permission. Voting for people we haven't handpicked to represent us, is not a valid election. Such elections are as fraudulent as the people serving their globalist masters with self-given governing power.  


Today they force their system upon you at birth, so they won't have to provide you anything through life, unless you claim your living life being rights back.


Now do you see that this so-called self-appointed global ruling elite is in a hurry keeping you brain-dead and dumbed down by spraying the skies with barium and fluoride, vaccinating and medicating you, poisoning us through our food chain, our drinking water and maybe worst of all through brain-killing cancer-causing non-curable cancers in the brain and body organs?


Remember, we started out by informing you about the sun being our one light and life energy source that works. When chemtrailing they block the sun from solar- activating our foods as well as preventing us from having healthy lives. They slow kill us.


The one flaw in their assassination-of-us program is that they are not exempt from the death they force upon us, hiding in their underground bunkers, eating non-solar energized food with no real sunshine on their physical bodies = death to them too.


Going underground to hide from us and their own killer technologies will kill them in the end. No one can survive food without solar-activated minerals. Those thinking they can hide at so-called non-radiating, little-to-no pollution remote islands or New Zealand and other such havens, need to be reminded that the astral winds in the atmosphere bring their chemtrails' poisonous agents and their radiation to their shore also, because radiation binds itself to minerals in the food chain THEY need for their own survival, and how is THAT going to work when they depend on food grown in artificial light underground?



So, if someone within the self-appointed world governing ruling elite read this, welcome to the grave with us - unless you quit this nonsense and survive with us - solar-energized on the surface of the Earth.



Some of you might wonder why "God" is not mentioned in this information. It is because your "God" is a world-ruling elite invention. We are all equal parts of ONE Creator self's life energy and awareness walking the Earth to teach ONE Creator self how it is to be human, experiencing heaven and hell on Earth in its many facets through life. We are all one and the same - AND THE WORLD'S RULING ELITE'S HEADS KNOW THIS - which is why you can claim your right to be free living being on Earth as I am all of you created creations and existences everywhere within all known space.


You may ask, "How do the ruling elite know this?". They interact with extra-terrestrial beings at their secret bases telling them so.


And so it is. ONE Creator self to all created creations and existences everywhere within all known space. And so it is. And it is so.

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