The truth about Constitutions

Constitutions are written by rulers to suppress us while worshipped by many as something positive that should be held onto no matter what cost, without questioning or reflecting over the intentions of the Constitution's authors - whether they were written for our benefit - or its writers. Likewise when did you agree that a bunch of high-ranking freemasons posing as national heroes and worshipped still today as such, should have the right to create a document called a "Constitution" giving them power to set the parameters to control entire populations? Were you ever asked? 


The hard truth is that these documents, no matter what country, are written by puppets of the same political system on the orders of its owners: the cooperating triangle of royalty, the Vatican and bankers with invited special "guests" to control and suppress us. The cooperating triangle works behind the scenes to write all Constitutions - you have been conned - just like the word Con-stitution tells you!


Constitutions are the framework from which countries are hijacked by the freemason-run societal control systems we call "democracy", which gives them the framework through which they steal power and control over the country and its population, while presenting this theft and occupation of our country by the state (private-owned corporations) as something valid and beneficial to us. This hijacking always starts with a war. When the war is over all involved countries are in full turmoil and chaos without a leadership system in place (the desired goal of freemasonry). This is when the New World Order freemason mafia grabs your country (order out of chaos) because they have the fake monetary system and their trained loyal freemasonry puppets to pull this off, pretending to be political party candidates that people can vote for in a necessary election to get society up and running again.


The following is key information to understand:


Every war is a banker's war.


They are the ones financing all sides of every war, control the media (your perception and belief system) and cooperate with the existing leadership in the countries before the war (everything is planned and staged). Before the war these freemason politicians set everything into motion to scare people with the upcoming war to get people to enlist in the military to "defend the people and the country". The hard truth is that these shrewd bankers and their conspiring politicians send young men out to fight their wars (bankers and politicians' wars) and die for their country (or so they are told) as "glorified heroes", not knowing that they are sent out to weaken the country's ability to defend itself against a freemason takeover of a country. 


It's important to understand that freemasonry is the globalist bankers' army setting all this into play all over the world. These are also the ones who "graciously" offer to take political positions to rebuild the country in favor of the people after their own staged and planned wars. What they do in reality is steal the right to control and dictate the country permanently. This is exactly the same as what is going on now with the COVID-19 hoax and plandemic used to scare as many as possible to vaccinate themselves - unaware that it is the vaccines that are the real weapons. This time, soldiers and guns are not necessary when lie-based fear brings millions of duped voluntary vaccinated people to their grave.


And now we go back to the Constitution which is exact what the word says: it's a con = a swindle; and the rest of the word, stitute is a word that points to something not lawful, but belonging to the Maritime Law system that only deals with dead products. Take for example the words prostitute, institute and statutes - all these words point to an agenda of desire to rule the world as the system's owners and players - to control society in their favor - there is always a negative association to all these "stitutes". Statutes are also not laws, but desired agenda words nobody understands but the globalists behind the system. No statute or "stitutes" has to do with us, the living men and women. The same applies to mandates. Mandate is not a word of law, but another useful word people do not understand, easy for the people using it to trick you into thinking it is lawful, but it isn't. Just look at all the politicians talking about "mandating vaccines", but strangely enough they have exempted themselves. Why? Could it be that there is something dangerous about them after all, since their vaccines lack needles when shown on TV? - while they try to hush up reports that millions are dying worldwide. So say no, and start cooperating in getting rid of these unelected-by-us corporate-picked agents who now try to decimate humanity because we are waking up to all their crimes.


And remember, a state is not the country. A state is an estate belonging to the owners of the system. Do you now see that the entire societal system we now live under is based on fraud, deception, lies, plunder and death, our death?


A Constitution is built upon Maritime Law whereas a real peoples' law is built upon real human rights' laws = the law to exist in one's own right until proven guilty of a crime in a court of law, not in a court of legalese = legal lies, invented by freemasonry to go after whoever they wish to rid themselves off = any adversary getting too much attention exposing their freemason globalist political mafia's crimes against the living man, the living woman and living child around the world, or whose child or wealth they want to steal. This is reality and this is why we need to work in oneness, that is to cooperate in setting up a new society system based on equality, fairness and prosperity for all.


In today's system they change the rules (the word rule comes from the ruler) whenever they fancy and rules do not apply to them, only us. They call these rules laws because law is a permission derived from the Nordic languages. Lov (Norwegian) = permitted. They always use positive-sounding words in the way they describe their laws in presentation to us, but you can be certain that when taking a second look at what is written you detect that what sounded great for us in the first round has some nasty hidden meanings to it that bites us in the end - especially financially.   


In the same way we are brainwashed generation after generation to believe that dictatorship is good for us (when presented as democracy), we believe the Constitution is some kind of holy cow that protects us and that we clutch to in difficult times, believing a piece of paper, the Constitution will "save us".


As you now know, Constitutions are not written in our favor as all words with con in them reveal something artificial, fabricated, fake, a swindle - invented to trick and dupe us. Their Constitution is such a duper that too many think it is very good and benefical and protective for us, but why are they not following the law of the land, the law of the man and the law of life as it should include, but do not? Having tricked us into worshipping their Constitution, they've now tricked us into believing that their political-controlled suppressive society system is positive, provides protection, protects our values and provides us services - which by the way should be free - because a country is full of natural resources that THEY steal and sell to enrich themself while we drown in taxes.  We have to pay to run our service systems because they pay nothing, they steal everything they can and get away with it because we are sleeping. Wake up!


They use their controlled brainwashing media to dumb us down, to lie to us and blame innocent leaders in other countries for committing crime against their own populations, whereas in reality the political elite in your country are representatives of a covert global dictatorship run by corporate political freemasons who in reality are behind the attacks on these countries on  behalf of the triad (Vatican, royalty and the bankster gangsters). They have now ensured that too many of us believe in, and trust the political parties and their agents (politicians). This is why too many good men and women are blind to reality and keep voting for them, not knowing that they vote for pest or cholera. This is the way they keep us passive as strategy to maintain their stolen power. We maintain our own suppression by voting for its frontline hitmen: politicians and political parties every four years, unaware of all the above.


But also, we haven't handpicked these people, which is an essential first criteria for an election to be valid in a real democracy. Also worth knowing is that the word democracy = "people rule" but doesn't say who these people are. But it for sure isn't you and I, and if you quess the aforementioned corporate interests, you are spot on! 


Now you know, Constitutions are written to keep you passive and obedient and prevent you from questioning the status quo. The word "con" as mentioned above = swindle, artificial and is an artificial construct (made to con you), something made up to suit the rulers at all times, and favor them, and that's exact what these people represent, they are professional swindlers, so called con-men! They swindle us off our rights and money with their fake Maritime Law and legal system. They swindle us in every area of life they can so they can be the billionnaires ruling the planet and do as they please - and we have to pay the price with our lives being their work slaves, paying back our salaries through taxation and overpriced products, having to buy most of what we need in their corporations.


In Constitutions around the world there are often references to GOD and God's laws or kingdom, with "God" writing different laws dependent on which country! Funny that - can't "God" make up "God's" mind for the entire planet?


And if "God" is so perfect why has "God" got different laws for different countries? But now it has probably dawned on you that "God" is the elite's own self-invention to grant themself the right to dominion in each "country" = the right to dominate every one else (through the vehicles of corporation and its accompanying political, monetary and legal systems with sales and entrapment areas called jurisdictions) using these as weapons against us to enrich and empower themselves.  


The Vatican-created God is not One Creator self, although many of us use the word "God" to describe Creator. There is no GOD, only Creator. The Vatican "God" is an invention to suppress, plunder and now murder mankind! and is short for Grantor Of Dominion = the grant to rule given by the Vatican to kings and queens and other forms of "Heads of state" who always fly down to the Vatican to meet the "Pope" as soon as they are "sworn in" to swear their allegiance to the Grantor of Dominion (God). Having appointed themselves "God" on Earth the Vatican gave itself the "right" to be Grantor Of Dominion (GoD = GOD) giving themselves a right they do not have, to grant, dictate, deceive, destroy and divide etc. "God" is also short for Game Of Deception. Do you see it now?


We have had blind faith in societal control institutions and systems for too long and need to wake up and reclaim our right to be one with one another with all being equal because all living life on the living land in the living water and in the living space is one and the same because all is One Creator self.


The real law for living life is the Law of the living man, law of the living woman, law of living life on the living land in the living water and in the living space, also known as the Law of One (Creator self) that say that all life in all known space is equal and that no being or group of beings has the right to decide over any other one than oneself.  


Common Law is the closest to the Law of One Creator on Earth today, in 2021, as it is the law of the living man, the living woman and the living child on and in the living land with three simple principles:


Cause no harm, loss or injury to another or their property

No threat of harm, loss or injury

Be honorable in all your dealings


Everything else is their fake legalese, piracy entrapment game for profit of Maritime Law.


We need to change our perception of what we are and of reality. We don't need someone to give us permission to anything because by birth we have equal Creator-given rights to benefit from everything on this planet.  


Be aware that all states are private-owned corporate businesses worldwide - no exception - owned by the aforementioned triad - this is why when you live in a land you need to abandon everything that has to do with state and politics and their fake monetary value system because none of it is real or of real value. These are all tools invented by the world ruling elites to enslave you into what you think is a real democracy.


If you want positive change that favors us, we must also accept that that change must also favor every one else.  You can't have one set of rules that favors royalty, another that favors the Vatican and a third that favors the globalist freemason political elite as today. Forget creating something out of the existing fake laws, we need to embrace real rights and not laws. Laws are permissions, and permissions are given by someone.


If you want to continue to be suppressed and now murdered by those you pedestal at the high altar, than do nothing and keep having blind faith in your Constitution, but if you want REAL change, start a real direct democracy movement founded in Common Law, as a first step toward building a free world. This is the reason why all good men and women worldwide need to register as living man and woman at the Common Law Court or similar in your country. By doing that you claim your rights back and they can no longer use you as free labor and steal your money like today.


Also good to know is that Nuremburg 2 Human Rights cases are now taking place in Germany as a precursor to put an end to globalist political medical industry tyranny once and for all.


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