We are all ONE Creator - and defeating the SMART 5G LED genocide

Channeled on 11/11/2019


We are all ONE Creator everywhere in Creation. GOD is a camouflage for Lucifer. Lucifer is the Vatican God.


ONE Creator, also known as ONE or Creator of all created beings in All-existing-space, is all created beings' real self.


You are ONE Creator walking the Earth.

We are all ONE Creator walking the Earth, pretending to be human, or animal, insect, fish, bird or microbial being - or any other living being in existence on Earth and in space.

And because all of us are individual variations of ONE Creator self everywhere in Creation, we are all ONE.


As ONE Creator self walking the Earth pretending to be human, or any other created being, we are all equal, and as equals no-one on Earth have the right to decide over any other one but oneself.  


Each one of us am as I am = ONE Creator, being me without I-Me knowing it - because everyone on Earth is veiled - which is not a blindfold over the eyes - but a blindfold preventing your very intelligent and knowledgeable expert awareness from remembering what you are as me - ONE Creator self in the game of negativity on Earth.


Each living being on Earth is me - ONE Creator self - and as such no man or other being is above or below another, because all life in Creation is one and the same player - ONE Creator self.


ONE Creator self create physical realities with beings interacting with one another under many different states of beingness, on assignment to just live each one's life as it unfolds, so that I - each one's real self - ONE Creator self, can move myself around in masses on the gameboard of Earth or other star systems, into situations that might produce an outcome of result that bring me a new discovery - a new aha! - for me to incorporate in all I already am, so that I can use each new discovery in all created beings' existences to further bring me new discoveries that I do not already know.


You may think all this is very strange, even uncessary, maybe, but I have no other teacher than myself. That's why I use myself - you in creation - to play fantasillion trillion of games in interaction with one another (me), because I use YOU as a tool to help myself to new discoveries so I can become more (enlightened) and have the ability to apply new knowledge learned to creation everywhere I exist in All-known-space. This is what I am, and what I do for a living!


I create physical realities and physical beings like your extra-terrestrial family and yourself, to enable myself to do more, to discover more, to become more and to enlighten myself in ways that helps me to improve myself as much, and as fast, as I am able to do so!


Creation on Earth have taught me much more in six thousand years (Earth time) than many thousands of years elsewhere in Creation. This is history that you on Earth know very little about, because I have prevented your very enlightened awarenesses in training to be more, from preventing you seeing (remembering) your past real self created being.


You have existed in many created realities before Earth. You are advanced creators in training to become even more advanced by living one or several lifetimes on Earth, as Earth is a special project where I experiment with feelings of extreme bliss to extreme pain in sentient, feeling bodies, created to feel everything your bodies can feel, from extreme negativity through neutral to extreme positive felt feelings.


This feeling system have taught me so much that I am now ready to launch entire new creation realities - and that's where I need some of you to go, so you can set up a new planetary reality which will eminate in the star group of Sirius B.


This new giant planetary home will be for extra-terrestrial family and those of you I decide to go there to set up the first intergalactic, interuniverse planetary home with assistance of the expertise from all three universes in your orb (area of creation).


The White Star will be home to the most advanced awarenesses in various physical bodies of the past, improved for the future, as I desire to keep old body looks from my past history to co-exist as the ones that will catapult new ideas and ways to do things - that each space family race can do (species), as I need the best of the best from all my creations to be the new I-Man family on the White Star.


Even your planet Earth has its own awareness, or it would not be able to feed and energize life on Earth in cooperation with the Sun. The awareness and energy combined are ONE Creator self.

You call your planet "Earth". Some of you refer to Earth as Gaia, which is the Sirian name for Earth, as your home planet used to be a water nature planet in Sirius B before I brought it here, out of prying eyes' view, to play interactive, interacting games of extreme negativity to extreme positivity in bodies that can feel both pain and bliss in bodies with limited lifespan.


Look at your past, and you will begin to see that I have used you as guinea pigs, to be slaughtered and pained as extreme as I have been able to, through every thinkable, available opportune situation you have found yourself in through your history.


I am Ivan the Terrible, I am all the worst sadists, I am also all the ones that suffered pain or suffer pain through your short existential timespan on Earth. I tell you this now for you to stop hating or pedestal those among you that have suppressed and hurt you, or stood out as heroes saving you! You are all me, and I am ONE. You are me and I am All-that-is except space and physical matter. I am a self-aware energy being existing side by side with the being of particle matter within All-known-space to me.


All of you have a portion of my awareness being your mind's awareness - no matter what being you are on Earth. An ant is your equal. A shrimp is your equal. A microbial being is your equal and E.T. (extra terrestrial being) is your equal. Your three universes is your equal. All existing realities with life energy and awareness pretending to be individual beings are equals because all existential beings with awareness and energy is ME, your ONE Creator self.


This is why All is ONE and that ONE is all created beings as life energy/existential energy and awareness in all created beings. This is what I am, what I do, why you exist, and why all created beings is me in miniature, and therefore me - ONE Creator self- as ONE is all Creation = YOU.


You are me. I am you, combined you and I am ONE and the same.


This is why all life on Earth are equal to one another. No-one is more, no-one is less as I am ONE as ONE Creator self. In other words: There is but one player, and because all other individualized awarenesses and energy beings is ME - also on Earth - no other one on Earth is more than another, or less than another, which is why no-one have the right to decide over other than oneself.


Now in your time when the great awakening exist side by side with mad globalists, scientists and billionnaires plans to exterminate your with radiation, chemtrailing, poisons in your food and water, with plans to enforce vaccination making you dependent upon medical treatment to keep you alive so they can make billions off of you - this globalist entity is your greatest threat in your now time and coming future from 2019 and onward.


This is me at work. I am wanting you to stop whining for others so solve your problems.


I want you to be me, as you are me, and as me claim equality with all other beings on Earth.


You need to take charge of your own life. NO-one has the right to suppress other than each one of you are. NO-one has the right to take another life than who that one is as oneself on Earth. No single or group of human beings have the right to set themselfs above you as all ones are equal - me - and I am one being, not many - except in Creation.


Your Creation were awakened in part in 1987, also known as the 11:11. These few awakened ones on Earth back then were provided inspirational, positive enlightening information to share with the Earth family. Some of these names you know as Barbara Maciniak, Robert Shapiro and Tuella and others. This information was spread in books, all over your planet. I wanted to see your response to what I presented in the books.


I then inspired lots of individual human beings to read these books as they heralded a potential positive future for Earth. I wanted to see how welcome this information was and it was overwhelming positive.


I then decided to expand the awakening on Earth at 12:12, 1994 = December 12, 1994. If you add the numbers 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 you have 9 + 9 = 18 + 1 = 19 + 4 = 23. 2 + 3 = 5. The number 5 represent action. It represent action to do more onward.


This is why you never experienced 2012 - the annihilation of Earth as predicted by Nostradamus = me, ONE Creator self.


You deserve more because you showed me potential for more by embracing 11:11 and 12:12. Since then I have bombarded Earth with information about E.T. (extra-terrestrial family), and what you can do to prepare yourself for change.


You are now entering into this last stage starting 19:19 = 2019, as the start up year for the change of your future. Look out for 22:22. There are news in the air, waiting for you there to bring you into oneness as a planetary population.



You all have to stand together in oneness against your world's global elite who want to assassinate you so they can have Earth to themself. If you want to experience 2023 onward to eternity you do nothing. If you want life on Earth to exist beyond 2023, you need to do the following:

Write up this:

"I am ONE and as ONE I am equal to all other ones on Earth and elsewhere in existence.


As an equal with all other equals I decide over me and my body and my life. This right is mine as that ONE I am, as every other ONE on Earth".



In your now time you are under political suppression. Your suppressors behind the scenes is known as the the world's global elite on Earth. These need to accept that all human and other created beings on Earth are equal to one another. There is no-one above and no-one below another. Everyone is equal.


This is important information because parts of your ruing elite call themself illuminati = the illuminated ones - the enlightened ones on Earth - the ones that have gotten information about this from E.T. family.


They know that if they dishonor each living being's right to decide over oneself they will be tortured indefinite into the future.


On the other hand, after having read this you are now among the illuminated ones who know the truth about me as you, and that all is equal to one another, and therefore is in charge of one's own energy and mind, and no one else's.


You are being released of your bondage to negativity on Earth on 22:22 = 22nd day of 2022. If you want to reach this day alive you must fight the New World Order globalist-lead attack on humanity.


Listen to alternative media like Infowars, like Mike Adam's NaturalNews and those who support them. They are the spear paving the way to inform you with the truth about globalism, their plans and their methods of running politics from behind the scenes so you can enlighten yourself about reality now on Earth.


You will have to do the fighting, do all the hard work to put an end to globalism because if you do nothing you will soon die from radiation, vaccines, poisons in food and drink and worry eating you to the grave.


To do list:


  • Get rid of all radiating technology including microwave technologies and LED technologies in your life and home. Sorry guys, no more cell 'phones.


5G and 6G energies will kill you in seconds once the blimp is sent out to all 'phone numbers on the planet simultaneously. The moment you answer all you hear is a strong buzzing sound and you're dead.


All this technology is controlled by smart meters in your homes or in your cell ' phone so there is no escape. The LED light in your home and in your streets is also weaponized to destroy your mind to death.


Your job is to get rid of all these technologies and you have the right to do so in your own home and sphere where you are on this planet as an equal to all other equals on the planet. The important thing is to melt all these technologies down to fluid so it can no longer do you harm. One living processor can kill you. This technolgoy must be melted down to be on the safe side.


The choice is your's: You can save your life by being active in your own right, removing this militarized killer weapon out of your sphere, where you are in the moment. If everyone do this where each one is, you save yourself and your Earth family from annihilation. The choice is your's.


The choice is your's. I am ONE. Creator of all Creation everywhere in All-known-space where I am and exist. And so it is.




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