Getting a grip on reality

You have probably got friends who try to inform you about what is going on, like how politicians don't work for you, that corona virus is a bioweapon, inform you of the dangers of 5G and mobile 'phones and the like. When they bring up these topics you just roll your eyes, sigh and say "Oh, not again!" not believing anything they say, just dismiss them for being a "conspiracy theorist!"

What if you're wrong? Do you believe everything you've been told and read and seen? What if I told you that what you think is reality is engineered by the same players behind the scenes that have the means to do so through media, lying politicians and an entire range of deceptions that you think is real - because it makes sense to you - based upon their propaganda lies?

The lies you learn at school, or more to the point, what you DON'T learn at school are essential to become aware of if you value your life. Unfortunately most of us take facts presented to us throughout life as truths - having blind faith in institutions and people in so-called important roles in society, who should have our interests at heart - but in reality don't.  It's easier to dismiss a friend or member of your family who tries to warn you of the deception than spend time investigating the possibility that there could be some truth in what they say.

This article wishes to take you out of your everyday lala land to make you see reality through the fog of deception you have been told and taught to be real. Are you aware that every thought in your head, whatever you put in your mouth and whatever you wear, read or see on TV is fabricated for you to keep you blinded from reality?

Let's look at how you think when experiencing things that are out of the ordinary. What would be your first reaction? Most people embrace what they are taught to think. This is hidden brainwashing, cooked up by some bright minds in media, experts in bringing you lies as reality while burying real lies in so incredible ways that you will never be able to see what is true or false, right or wrong, no matter what you think. See?

Could you actually be influenced by people who have the means and desire NOT to wish you well? What if politicians YOU trust and think work for you, in reality DON'T? Would you believe us if we told you? You've always been told they work for you, right? What if I told you they were self-employed and working for a large private-owned company that doesn't care less about you, only about making money OFF of you, and that that large private-owned company is called government? What do you think?

We have provided videos covering different themes to give you a chance to pick which ones are true and which one is false. Which video do YOU think is providing false information or omitting the truth?

Boy, are you in for a surprise!

Let's get started!











Are you aware the vast majority of what you eat and drink is designed to make you ill for profit for the medical industry?

Having seen the videos above you now know that today's mediKILL industry is only interested in making profits, keeping you alive, but not cured, so that they can make money off of you. Because of this we have included a documentary by one of the world's leading nutritional experts, Dr Joel Fuhrman, so you can learn how what you eat effects you.

It is essential you get a grip on reality and realize that politics and parliamentarism is an illusion, fraud and lie as well as a vehicle of suppression and plunder. No politician works for you, but for themselves to fill their own pockets and the corporation - that THEY own. If you don't already know the difference between a country and a state and the significance of the corporation, learn about it here:





Linked here is an article showing how today's fraudulent and criminal political and judicial systems are being used to support the genocide of the world's population.

If you are not aware that politics is a stealth method to plunder your country, steal your income and remove your rights, read our series: Why politics is a scam

The video below shows a staged heated argument taking up some of the topics listed above. Florie's video is transcribed and attached as a pdf so that it can also be read.











Poll Questions

  • The video "How 5G Will Benefit Your Everyday Life | T-Mobile" omits to inform you of the reality that 5G is a microwave weapons system that kills all biological life. Did you know that? This is disinformation through omission of information.

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