Let he who be fooled, be fooled!

Remember, those behind the stealth instalment of QFS, behind your back, are professional hustlers. You buy gold, you buy fool's gold - you buy into their pharisee (Pharaoh see) system. There is no difference between QFS and FIAT, it's just the same in a new wrapping because so many have woken up and seen the reality of the existing fake system.


Those behind the launch of QFS can buy a ton of gold for $?, because they already own it - most of it stolen from around the world during wars - which might be why they are so eager to back up THEIR new monetary system with THEIR gold. Remember, all wars are bankers wars and the QFS gold war is no different. QFS is not different from FIAT, it's just an illusion pulled down over your eyes - see how little criticism or real information is to be found. QFS is being introduced behind our back, cutting out all unwanted competitors, so those at the top easier can become richer now that they can sell you "their" gold at high prices, that when you buy coin and notes from them, get nothing of real value in return! And combined with Qphones with SMART-cards and 5G, giving them total control over you, both to surveil and radiate you to death.


They can even use this system to force vaccinate you with lethal chemical cocktails designed to kill you for profit, because if you're not taking your vaccines, you have no access to money! Do you see why we have to say no to what might be a Trojan horse? For all we know, QFS is a controlled opposition to the Great Reset. And then what? What do you think?


Remember, these people raid countries to steal the valuables and to replace their leadership with their own tyrannical puppets. And the ones doing the job, soldiers believing the propaganda lies about having to remove tyrants torturing their own populations, discover that it isn't true once they have completed their mission. That's why they very often use soldiers as their "vaccine" guinea pigs, so they don't live long when they come back from these "missions", because then they are dangerous witnesses - of the truth. They are eliminated through the vaccines, giving them "Golf syndrome" or any other made-up name they pull out of their pack-of-lies hat, just like today! Because of this many, many innocent men and women, who went into service in the military to protect their country, have been killed in the banks' errands abroad, based on propaganda lies and agendas hatched behind the scenes by the globalist ruling elite.


He who controls the money controls the world. All bank notes, coins, cheques and credit cards are like gold. You can't eat it, you can't drink it, you can't wear it, can't drive around in it. The only thing of real value is what we need for survival and to thrive. A carrot is more worth than all the gold in the world because you can eat it. A sheep produces the real gold, the wool that can keep you warm in the winter. And the good thing is, you don't have to kill the sheep, because the coat grows out again, so you can create more clothing!


Now do you see the difference between the fool hamstering gold and the wise one hamstering food, clothing, seeds and other life-saving produce from nature and animals? Ask yourself, how long do you think those obsessed with gold living in their high security palaces obsessed with controlling mankind would last if put out alone in the middle of nature, far from their fancy cars, designer clothes and chefs?


As the old proverb goes "Fool me once, shame on you; foold me twice, shame on me".


Some have bought into their vaccines, others into their gold. Isn't it time to create your own reality rather than blind accepting the belief and control systems they invent for you, i.e. to control you?


The American Indians knew what real values were. They came with real values: furs, top quality handicrafted tools and practical things that settlers needed. And the "white man" wanted to pay them with the white man's money - which had no value because they knew that they couldn't eat it, drink it, wear it, live in it or ride it or use it for practical tasks, and sneered contemptful at the white man's no-value money. All this eventually lead to skirmishes, escalating into wars and slavery.


The Indians said:


We offer you real value, and you want to pay with nothing?


And this is why American Indians stopped trading with the wite man. And when the white man offered them spirits (alcohol) and the Indians got drunk, the white men stole the Indians' real values from them including the clarity of their own mind. That is why alcohol is called spirit, it replaces your common sense with nonsense = another non value.  


Nothing has changed since then. This is what you are buying into with QFS. You the next ones to be fooled, with QFS! You are fooled if you buy gold instead of food, seeds, water filter, clothing, medication and everything else of real value for survival for yourself and your family for at least 2-5 years ahead, forget gold and silver. They are just as much worth as diamonds that now cost 10 cents a piece using pressure technology.


What do you do when there is no food left on the shelves in the shops? What do you do when the water in your tap is deliberate being contaminated to destroy your health or kill you? What do you do when the globalists use weather manipulation weapons to create a long cold winter and all you have at home is based on electricity that has been turned off or rationed to just a few hours a day, and you haven't stocked up on firewood or coal for at least one year?


And what do you do when you start dying from deliberate contaminated, poisoned or vaccine cocktails that now are in the food you eat? You didn't stock up on long storable organic dried foods like nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, lentils, grains, mushrooms, beans and peas etc did you? You need to do this for at least 2-3 and have enough for about 10 people, so you can share with them when they come begging to your door, so they don't eat you!


In a real crisis with little to no access to food, how much value does your gold or digital number money, coins and notes have? You can't eat it, drink it or wear it. It doesn't keep you warm. It doesn't keep you alive. It doesn't purify your water. Do you see now what real values are? If not, you will find out if or when the globalists controlling and running politics, money, media, the weapons industry, medical industry and a lot of other horrible food destructive industries, including radiation technology weapons go full frontal to get rid of you.

Are you going to buy them off with gold to leave you alone? And if you try that you will just be met with a sadistic smile and "Ok, give me the gold", and once you have given them your gold or silver they will kill you anyhow - just like they did with the Indians, after they had stolen everything of value from them. You are the fool's fool, because you thought fake values would save your life.


And now, look at how they are using the identical tricks the Rothschilds used to set up the Bank of England using trickery, deceit and hearsay to manipulate everyone to do what THEY wanted us to do so they could steal everything from us. Likewise, today, you play straight into these master illusionists and manipulators hands - blinded by their thorough propaganda to buy into their new gold-backed system, no different from the previous FIAT, now just with a new name so everyone can believe they are sovereign. But how sovereign can one be when their entire system runs on the radiating-you-to death 5G system with Qphones fitted with SMART cards from satellites that can easily keep you out of the system, or even kill you from the touch of a finger?


Back in the time of the Napoleonic war, when Wellington beat Napoleon at Waterloo, the Rothschilds got wind of this a day before everyone else, and spread a false rumour through their agents that Napoleon had beaten Wellington. This of course sent a shock wave through the British stock market, so when Rothschild's agents offered to buy their shares for pennies on the pound - to lessen their loses - Rothschild became the most powerful banker in England. This was how the Bank of England was set up, When the King's messenger returned to England one day later with the happy news of Wellington's victory it was too late for those who had sold off their shares and bonds in panic to the Rothschilds.


Many committed suicide and the Rothschilds family established the Bank of England based on deceipt, trickery and lies, and from the heart of London set up a European and later American bank empire that today is the main controller of the world monetary system through ownership to gold as security for coins and notes. The problem is that gold has no more value than coin and notes for us because, as mentioned, we can't eat it or drink it etc. That's why a ton of food is more worth than all the gold in the world.


Now you will have recognized how these sly manipulators work, using lies and deceit and trickery of the people to achieve their goals to enrich and empower themselves at our expense.


The players today have different names, but are the same families' descendants. Today they play off the Great Reset versus QFS, plan A versus plan B, black hats versus white hates. Remember, black is white and white is black in globalism. They are controlled opposition to each other. They always have plan B, C, D, E and so on to trick and manipulate mankind, to bring you into their sheep pen so you always end up where they want you, under their thumb and control as the biggest losers time and time again.


Today the Rothschilds are not using messengers on horseback but alternative media to promote their latest scam, QFS, withholding the details from us of what QFS is all about. We are just told that it is fantastic without having details, and without those presenting it having real knowledge of what they are talking about. Why not? And why is it stealth being put into place behind our back? Are the alternative media the new horseback messengers from the time of Wellington and Napoleon?


It smells of "Let's throw them a carrot and some crumbs every now and then". This way we are distracted from the fact that it's the very same people at the top manipulating the world again, ensuring that over a shorter period gold price dips down to a new level, and then starts climbing slow upwards, so those who bought cheap can sell and profit from the gold when the value is high-priced.
They dump the price and buy it up themselves for that low price = for free, so they always have your gold bought for nothing, because what you get in return is notes, coins and total worthless number money called digital money. See how they rip you off? You work for free for them because they steal your salary through their political-run systems who tax you every step of the way through life they can. But the most important thing about the fake monetary system is that unless you "voluntary" allow yourself to be jabbed until you're dead, they just shut off your money and you die of starvation instead. That's how these people work. They are ruthless. That's why we and everything we need for survival and to thrive alive must be the only real values in the new worldwide value-based "monetary system". We are the minds and the working hands creating real values. You can't order gold to produce a bowl of food or build a house for you, but you can do that. Now do you see what real values are?


Take the money, politics, fake laws and private corporations out of the picture then we can set up a new One World Society for us, we, the living men, women and children on planet Earth in ways that favor us. Until that happens no new system will be in our favor.


We must create the world we want and need as we are the only ones who can be our own saviours. Don't look to politicians as saviours. Don't transfer your right to decide over you to others or other peoples' systems. Don't for a second think that someone else on Earth have the right to decide over you, decide for you or force you to do their will against your own, just because they wear a title in charge of a system that other generations before us have set up to favor the ruling elite of that time, just like today.


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