Mandates are not law! Vaccines, tests and COVID passports are offers

Politically-authored laws are invalid until the country's population have seen the text of the proposed law, know what it entails of potential negative impact, and 75% of the living men, women and children from 16 years of age have voted for, or against it. In other words all law or regulation or similar word used, must be read and understood in all its facets. A test is necessary to check whether people have seen the rammifications of what the wording in reality says, before given green light to vote for, or against, the wording. This is necessary to avoid entrapment from the establishment.


A proposed law needs to be accepted by 75% of a country's population to be written into Law of the Land for the living man, the living woman and the living child.


The existing corporate maritime law system has an election text that says that no government or political system can be taken down unless the population in the country vote to take them down with 75% of the votes over two elections four years apart, but that is maritime corporate law. The living men, women and children under law of the land do not have to take that serious, because we have never chosen or elected the maritime law system in the first place, or hand-picked the representatives in their system.


The political establishment will protest this and claim we elected them to write law, but that's not true, we never hand-picked representatives that WE want to represent us as lawmakers. The political parties handpick them to ensure their globalist, corporate, freemason bosses get their way so they can write fiction, calling it law, to plunder and suppress us! Not only that, they put themselves on electoral lists, these lists are not made up of people we have handpicked! They have literally stolen the right to run our country, and thus NO law they make is EVER valid! It's the same, worldwide, it's all a big hoax that people believe in because of their corporate, lying media and brainwashing school systems.


Not only that, on the voting ballot you are referred to as a PERSON, and a PERSON is not you, but a fictitious identity (strawman), your name in CAPITAL LETTERS, a person number or person identity, and therefore your vote does not count whatsoever, because you have not been told up front that the voting ballot is for a strawman, a PERSON, and a person is not the same as the living man, woman and child. It's a title, and titles are not entitled to vote, so all elections worldwide are a total swindle. And they don't even bother to count the votes, everything is decided in advance.


Today we have internet and can send an email with our vote or express that we have not voted, and send it to Infowars and NaturalNews and Anna von Reitz, Sheriff Mack and Reiner Fuellmich and other (ten in total) impeccable, honest observers from around the world, chosen by us, so it will be impossible for these gangsters to cheat in the future. All the recipients of the votes have to do, is to check they have gotten the same numbers, and that the official government numbers match that of the people. And if it doesn't, we know they have cheated, again.


The reason we have to do this, is because established political parties worldwide are branches of international, private, corporate, globalist interests, that can never be trusted. This is why we need direct democracy, NOW! Shout this information from the rooftops all over the world!


Now you know some of the basic reality of today's political system, so why don't all good honest men and women who have had enough of globalist tyranny just get together and create a new world free of satanic, pedophile, mass murdering psychopath, globalist corporate politicians?


We can do this by joining a Common Law Court and moving our business to it, or start up a business together with other living men and women who have registered themselves on the living land under Common Law, and then avoid all their self-invented, total unlawful legislation that has nothing to do with the living men, women and children on the living land, but are regulations for trading interactions between corporations (businesses) under Commercial law (also known as Maritime Law). Today's unelected-by-us politicians get away with this because most people don't know the difference between mandates and law, and therefore not aware of their rights, or secure enough to stand up for them.  


Politicians know they have no right to decide anything over anyone but themself, so that's why they write fiction called MANDATES, ACTS, BILLS, PROTOCOLS, FINES, ORDERS and all other fancy made-up words these corporate-political-freemason traitors invent to boss us around because we think all this is law when it is authored fiction - that's why they are the "authorities". So ignore them and stop obeying them! Their mandates are not law, and neither are they lawful. And don't fill in forms to "ask for exemption", because then you are asking THEIR permission, thereby giving away your own power to decide over yourself. You don't have to ask them permission for anything. Stop handing over your rights to these criminals! You don't need medical or religious exemption. Stand your ground and say no! Please watch this video to learn the difference between Contract Law and Common Law.


All politicians know this, the vast majority of them are professional swindlers, hustlers, fraudsters and criminals giving themself the right to rule over us - a right they do not own because no one but you own the right to decide over you, unless you are like them - a mass murdering thieving criminal!


Not only that, they get huge incomes from stealing our wages (under the guise of tax - which by the way is stealing our money, giving it to their private-owned corporation called AS NORGE in Norway, DEUTSCHLAND GMBH in Germany or THE UNITED STATES, CORP. etc in every globalist controlled country in the world. They are all shareholders in their respective country's business, earning millions from our wages, committing high treason and get away with it because we, the sheeple, think they are working in our society's favor paying for it with our money. They do not, they use number money, also called digital money costing them nothing. But when we work for them, they make huge profits from our labor while we get pennies on the dollar. In addition they trade in their own name and earn millions using contract law. Not only to fill their own pockets, but for their corporate globalist freemason bosses. And none of these are elected by us or work for us - including those in local councils! They put their freemason puppets everywhere! Politics is a criminal ponzi scheme with globalist, political corporate freemason agents posing as "public servants" claiming they are "looking after you and your country on your behalf" while they plunder us of all the country's natural resources and sell them back to us for billions to them. These resources belong to all of us, remember, and we shouldn't have to pay a dime for what rightfully belongs to all of us!


Do you know that politicians know that they can't overwrite your Creator-given rights? But they have invented a fake, total invalid person number system where they write your name in UPPERCASE letters on their licences, certificates, passports, identity cards and every other corporate controlled capital (money value) within their system. In reality what they have done is to redefine you from being a living human being with all God-given rights to your name, to in their system, be a source of income for them! The good news is, that this is fraud and since you are a living human being at birth, with God-given rights, you have the right to take your God-given rights back, by claiming your given bank fiction back to your ownership, so they can never make money off of you any more, and also not dictate you with their self-authored law system.


When politicians use their titles, like politician, Parliamentary politician, Prime Minister, President and the like they act as corporate entities and not living men or women. The same applies to judges and all other "titled" such as police, doctors and nurses or MR, MRS, MISS etc. When they hide behide their corporate title and name, they avoid all responsibility from crimes against you and therefore cannot be held accountable - within THEIR system! This is why it is only Military Tribunals and people-elected sheriffs that can arrest, charge put these criminals on trial.


Prime Ministers and Presidents are in reality business directors (Chief Executive Officers) for the private-owned corporation posing as your country. These private corporations are occupying your country on behalf of their globalist owners, set-up to steal your country and its natural resources from you to sell them back to you (who own them), for sky rocketing prices and profit to them. Not only that, remember that they and all politicians are unelected by us because we have not hand-picked them to represent us as our representatives. All elections are fraud, because on the voting ballot you are defined as a person = a corporation, so you don't have any say in how your country is run whatsoever! Elections are pure theater! They couldn't care less about what you think or want. It's all a "Me, me, me!" freemasonry system where globalist political freemasons, who have stolen the right to run your country politically, put themselves on election lists that you get to vote between. They always cheat to keep control. Those at the top don't even bother to count the votes because they always decide up front who gets to be Prime Minister or any other minister before the election takes place. It's all theater to make you think real elections exist, but now you know better.


Today's globalist puppet Prime Ministers and Presidents have bought billions of "vaccines" with our money to deliberate destroy our health and lives and kill us. We are too many useless eaters, you see, according to Schwab, Gates, Faucci, the Rockefellers and many other eugenicist psychopaths who have declared themselves world rulers over the rest of us, having forgotten that we are all equal.


Be aware, that their bioweapons posing as vaccines are not vaccines, and that their mandates are not law which means that you do not have to obey these fake mandates. They are just an offer that you can negotiate the terms of, or downright decline because no one but you decide over your body, your belongings and your right to life. No one can infringe on that right because this is a God-given right at birth lasting all through life to your natural death.


However, if you still want a vaccine, despite all reports that many millions are already dead or dying from them, note the following:


Remember, all business deals (contracts) have to be negotiated one on one face to face, and then end in either accept (buy), decline or negotiate your terms until you either accept or decline. Smart meters, fines, taxes, VAT and vaccines are examples of stealth contracting (unlawful contracting where one part (making the offer) uses entrapment and deceit to "close a deal"). Would you accept taking a vaccine because McDonalds tells you you must have one? No! The same go for any unlawful non-elected political government representative, or your employer! You decide in your life, no one else. Tell them that you do not want to contract and that you are not a corporation. They can't force you to do anything, and they cannot forcefully fire you through their "legal" system because the legal system is another fiction in their system, and not real human rights' laws. Stand your ground!


Now that you know that mandates are not law, you know that vaccines are nothing more than an offer. Think of it this way: when you walk down a shopping aisle in a store, what you want you take off the shelf and put into your trolley. What you don't want you leave on the shelf. It's that simple! The store owner, i.e. seller and one contract part (politician, teacher, headmaster, nurse, doctor, healthworker) can't decide for you, tell you what to buy or force you what to buy or threaten to throw you out of the store because their store is standing on your joint-owned land belonging to every living man, woman and child on the planet! They haven't asked us if they can put a store there, but do it anyway because that's what corporate political freemason mafiosos do in today's society. So why don't we put an end to it by waking up and say no and demand those who are supposed to arrest and defend us against any and all enemy from within or without to do so.


Remember, vaccines are an offer - you don't have to take them just because politicians say "It's mandatory" Say: "Mandates are not law! My body my choice!" You are not obligated to obey unlawful orders. Their offer of vaccines is stealth contracting and unlawful - and they know it, that's why they want you to voluntary jab yourself - because they know "administering" vaccines is potential murder in breach of all Human Rights Laws as well as your Creator-given rights at birth:


You have the right to live your life in accordance with how you wish to live your life based on your desires, unless what is right for you destroys someone else's life or property.


You have the right to have your fair share of everything our planet has to offer us.


It's important you change your perception and learn the basics of Contract Law. All transactions are covered by their commercial/Maritime Law, and many contracts today are made in secrecy using wording that only they know what say, to entrap you. Here are just a few examples:


Fines. Imagine fines as another item standing on the shelf in a store. If you respond to a fine, you take it off the shelf. Responding to a crime is stealth contractual acceptance, you accept the offer, the fine (alas, without knowing).


Road tolls. Road tolls are highway robbery, because you own the land the toll booths stand on and also the land the roads are built on. If they want a toll booth on "your land", you are entitled to negotiate terms for having a toll booth on your part ownership of that land. So what we propose is, if they want a toll booth there, it will cost them a billion dollars a day. Then they can decide whether they want it there or not, when they know it will ruin them. This is how to get rid of toll booths.


Voluntary reporting to prison. If they ask you to "report to prison" this is an offer to contract with you even when they know you are innocent and do not belong in jail. If you "report to prison" you accept being put in jail, and are now under their fake Maritime legal system voluntary allowing them to do to you whatever they want for as long as they want, because you said "Yes" by going there. We recommend you watch the short video below to learn the difference between Contract Law and Common Law. Stop BUYING into their entrapment by contracting with them!


If you have friends who are still contemplating contracting for a vaccine, inform them that they can so "No" and go home.


Contracting requires that both parties are equal partners, that there is full disclosure of what the deal entails - including all negative consequences. Both partners have to be of sound mind and able to express their wish to either accept, decline or negotiate.  


Do newborn babies or children under the age of adulthood (18) have the ability to comprehend, study or evaluate spike proteins, study the science of vaccines or participate in business negotiations? That's right, they don't! They're defenceless, but are able to express their non-acceptance through screaming and trying to get away from jabbers. And that's why they use brainwashed, obedient, protocol-following doctors, nurses and other so-called health workers to circumvent (avoid, get around) our childrens' Creator-given rights by jabbing them at birth, and get young and uninformed parents to strip their own children of their rights, on their behalf! It's all about stealth contracting.  


Let's look again at contracting and vaccines. You have deliberate not been informed of the possible negative consequences. Mmm, looks like full disclosure is not there. There also has to be something of value to exchange between both parties. What is there of value in a time-delayed bioweapon ending in possible long-term disability, death, loss of income, loss of home due to loss of income and the immediate annulment (cancellation) of your health insurance? That's right - you're no longer insured once you've taken their shot, neither do they want your blood - and don't forget you can't claim for compensation because the monsters the medical industry have indemnity. This is why Military Tribunals using Human Rights laws rooted in Common Law are used for arresting and putting Deep Staters on trial.


Lloyds of London is the mother of all insurance companies, the guarantist behind all of them. They do not pay out damages to people damaged by vaccines or 5G radiation. Why not? Because they know they are both weapons. They're not stupid, they don't pay out billions in compensation for something they know will damage and kill you. It says so on the insert of vaccines and fine print on your insurance policy.


All contracts are about business deals = about negotiation. Since you are now know you are no longer insured after taking the shot, risk losing your life, family and home because of stress, loss of income and support, demand 50,000,000,000 (billion) up front, and, because their fake monetary system has no real value and is likely to soon be "deliberate collapsed", set up a Common Law Lien on each and every one involved so you can seize LAWFUL all their assets and property, quid pro quo. These shots end in manslaughter, remember, over x amount of time! Get paid compensation in advance! Demand 50 billion from the nurse, the doctor, the chemist/school/hospital directors/employer etc, and don't forget all the directors and shareholders of the pharmaceutical company. Remember, if you, your child or someone else in your family is permanently disabled you won't get any help from the state - they want you dead - so YOU will have to work yourself into an early grave trying to provide 24-hour a day care, should they survive. And just to specify, state is a globalist corporation system and not your country's land system.


And while we're talking contracts, they have to be entered voluntary, not on orders, threats, fraud, deceit, coercion or entrapment. And to be valid you have to have an agreement in writing between you and whomever wants to do business with you such as your jabber or boss etc. Simply say no, mandates are not law. But anyone still wanting to go ahead should get their 50,000,000,000 from each of the above, so you are talking more money than most are willing to put on the table! And if they won't pay you up in advance, you just politely decline any dealings with whomever try to deal with you.


Let's talk a bit about Constitutions. Constitutions are also entrapment. Swearing oaths to Constitutions is the same as handing over your rights, or most of them! A Constitution is the first step and platform upon which the entire conquer-and-plunder platform posing as democracy is built, written by freemasons - in favor of them - just superficially posing as something beneficial to you! Constitutions are the foundation stone upon which their entire fraudulent political system of state, government, legal system and monetary and society system is built. It's their platform from which they steal your country and its natural resources, from you, and transfer it into their hands. So stop voting for your globalist political freemason tyrants!


They claim you have rights in their Constitution. Yes, THEIR rights, the ones they have graciously decided you have "the right" to have, like having the right to pay them tax! (theft!), but do not mention how they have stolen your share of your country's natural resources through the Birth Certificate and how their system revolves around stealing your rights! They author-write (authorize) Constitutions to suit them (royalty, the Vatican and the leading bank families, that own freemasonry), but they do not let you know that when you join their society, by voting. When you vote, you swear allegiance to their Constitutional system without knowing it - and then you have to play by their rules - the fake Maritime legal system fraud. So, don't do it! Instead, reclaim your rights as a living man, woman and child by registering your names and all your belongings, including the ground your house stand on, under Common Law!


Americans worship what they call the "Founding fathers." When you compare today's politicians with these, how many do you think hold that standard? Constitutions are platforms that over time have been abused by so-called elected politicians who have created today's piracy model of state, government, fake monetary system and the Maritime/piracy legal system. So stop worshipping, supporting and voting for your criminal suppressors! You have real human rights and protection beyond what you know with real laws like the Nuremburg Codes and other human right laws. But the most important one is the Law of One Creator, that says that all living life on Earth is equal to one another and that all living life on Earth is given Creator-given rights to decide over oneself.


So take your rights back, save your life and protect your property! Share with every one you know.


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