Time to choose: globalist political tyranny or direct democracy?

You may not be aware of it but those that control your society, politics, money, laws and steal your taxes, and that are cooperating behind the scenes in running the COVID-19 and eugenicist attack on humanity, are the most revered and celebrated people on the planet. Today's political society system grew out of Das Reich. Hitler spoke about the Third Reich and today's third Reich are the Vatican, royalty and a group of bank and business families.


These use the political system to front their agendas, with politicians their agents. Today, corporate political freemasons run and control most of the world on their behalf. These politicians do not decide things in your Parliament as they claim, but their puppet masters make the most important decisions in secret behind the scenes, where only the most important players are present.


This often takes place in secret societies, or at high-security meetings in exclusive locations where they can control the environment and keep prying eyes out so we can't find out what evil plans they have for us.


Hitler did not die in the bunker. A lot of the top nazis fled to South America and set up the Third Reich there while the German scientists were brought to the USA to develop the nuclear weapons systems and also the Space Program.


If you do not already know the above you may find it unbelievable and just dismiss it, because we have been brought up, over generations to trust and have faith in those "running the country" or "ruling the country" and their lying media. You are probably also unaware that our countries have been stolen from us and turned into corporations, again behind our backs, in 1946. And it's even worse - they have stolen your right to be regarded as a living human being in THEIR society system we live in today with PERSON numbers and TITLES instead of your name as a living man or woman. If you want to know more about this, read here.


Freemasons are used as politicians, judges, police chiefs, army generals and Prime Ministers and all other party politicians working direct or indirect with the country's politics and business because the country IS a business, and they are the shareholders who make money off of us by stealing our taxes and also selling the country's natural resources belonging to all of us to the highest bidder to further profit themself. This is who you vote for. These are what we know and call the New World Order/Bilderberg group political freemason elite.


There ARE always a few good politicians at high levels who really DO desire to do something good, but they know they are powerless up against these, and that the REAL decisions are made elsewhere for the establishment politicians to implement in your country's society, again in THEIR favor. Important events are always planned in advanced and staged, with media used as liars scaring you to submit and accept whatever crimes these people do against us and other people around the world. All wars are bankers wars financed with digital money using us as their soldiers and police to protect them and die for them.


That is reality, although you might find it shocking and unbelievable and chose just to dismiss. Just look at COVID-19 now, everything is rolled out to scare everyone into taking the vaccines. They use the annual "China flu" as a tool to lock down the country, mask us up as bandits and to scare us and intimidate us into tests and vaccines that are timed bombs made to kill x number of people on this planet within the next 2 years from 2021.


There let some good people exist in this system because they need to show us that THEY are not our enemy when they are. These people (the New World Order) that you vote for and put into power, because you don't know how evil the system behind these people is as well as how evil the top leadership is. You would never vote for them if you did. They use "good" politicians to provide a credible front so that we keep on believing in the system, and continue to vote to keep it in place!


As mentioned, these people plan everything in advance of importance, at secret meetings in exclusive locations and with high security, so we don't get to find out what evil future they plan for us. These meetings go by the name of Bilderberg, the Council of Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum, the Davos Group, the Trilaterial Commission, the Club of Rome, the Committee of 300 and the Bilderberg group. These groups are the New World Order and every politician in power in the Western world is following the Bilderberg group policies. There is always an aim to further strengthen their agenda to depopulate the Earth.


What you will find out if you look into this, is that the same people, or their representatives are often present in many of these foa. In the Committee of 300 you will find royalty and other important players behind today's genocide, the Vatican and banksters. These, royalty, their banker friends, top business leaders, the Jesuits and select others from the Vatican are those driving the above events into action in our society, with us having to pay the price financially and with our lives.


In the old days all politicians had to be present in Congress or Parliament, the Reichstag and the like, no matter what country, when it was time to vote over proposals for changes to the way our society and lives were to be run. Back then, every politician had to vote yes or no so we could see it happen on TV. Today everything is decided behind the scenes and whenever something is coming up for voting today there are maybe 3 to 5 politicians in Congress etc because the decision for Europe's part has already been decided by the EU Parliament without you knowing it. This is also obvious when you see how disinterested and unfocused those present are in the politicians presenting. Often they are looking at their mobile 'phone or even asleep. This same applies to political meetings at commune level. It's just for shows. Debates are for the media in prime time and no theme is important or desired by us because politicians today never broach themes that have to do with what WE, the people need and want. They just want to present a fake debate over a total unimportant theme that makes us so angry because we want fairness and justice and they play those cards on every debate on TV so they don't have to talk about real necessities or obligations they have to us. They avoid it like we are the plague, when the opposite is true. They are the plague.


The brutal truth is that the vast majority of politicians are extremely well-paid actors playing a role - pretending that they work for us and provide the best for us - when this is an elaborate lie. They debate themes that they know we get engaged with, but it always ends in absolute nothing of value to us - this is strategy. These people are experts in making us angry for petty little things so that we lose focus on the really important things that we should talk about, but never hear, because politics today is about controlling the narrative and the truth through propaganda lying media under THEIR control.


You may not be aware but those pulling the strings at the top have their own secret banking system so the billions stolen from us through taxation and the sales of our joint-owned stolen natural resources like oil and gas and water, gold and whatever else of value buried in the soil and oceans, are stashed in secret bank accounts in tax havens belonging TO the banks.  They operate in secrecy within their own communications system so we can never find out what they are doing or planning until it's too late i.e. the COVID-19 attack on humanity which is just step 1 before launching 5G to finish us off for good. We are not there yet and many good people are now waking up and working behind the scenes to bring these international freemason criminals to court. Nüremberg 2 is one of these courts headed by Reiner Fuellmich and honest Human Rights' lawyers from many places in the world.


Most people we know as politicians, law makers, local government representatives and department heads of state are all part of this worldwide corporate freemason mafia that cooperate to empower and enrich themselves by stealing the peoples' rights, income and children.


First they monopolize the right to control your country politically, monetary and socially, so they have full control over all services and your belief system. They use the media and schools to lie and brainwash you into accepting "their" right to be your political leaders, and hold so-called political elections every 4 years to make you think you have "real" elections, although it is the same multi-political party-mafia with lots of fine sounding names that reflect various political views in your society, so none of you can come and say that there is not a party alternative for you - when in reality it is not - because all parties belong to the same mafia that for centuries have controlled you as they please, with your blessing every time you vote for them. They are all controlled opposition to each other playing their media games so credible that the populations think they are opposition.


And don't forget, they ALWAYS rig elections so they always get to maintain the power and the right to decide taxation and write laws and agendas! Remember, it's a very lucrative job working as a politician as they are private corporations registered in their own name as shareholders in the mother company, DEUTSCHLAND GMBH or UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. and the like.


The problem with voting for them, is that you keep your tyrants in power and at the same time accept that they can make up laws that favor THEIR international corporacy and banking interests. But you allowed this by voting for them, remember? so why don't you stop empowering them and instead support underdogs not included in their political party mafia?


By voting for them you also give them carte blanche permission to do to you and with you, and with your country's natural resources as they please - and do - which is why you never get any favors from your ownership to the aforementioned natural resources. They use their stolen power to plunder you bare!


Why do you think you have to pay taxes when your country brings in billions every week from sales of your natural resources? Haven't you realized that these profits just go straight into their own pockets?


Why do you think they use Contract Law? It's to arrange one contract between themselves (nearly always freemason buddies) for the first (real) contract price of a project, but write another contract that is made public, which is much higher, and which you, the tax-payer has to pay for. And not only that, they deliberate drag out projects as long as they can so they can say "the project went over budget!"  - and quess what - YOU have to pay the difference with more taxes, over longer time! These freemason buddies pocket the differences between the first and final project prices between themselves! This is the reality of how politics and most big business works today One of the most shrewd taxes you don't know about is increased prices on oil and fuel, gas and other natural resources. Why should we have to pay for something, natural resources, that we already own together?


Someone has to pay the cost of running your state administration and all your services - and that happens to be YOU! because you put your trust in the mafia agents' hands. See how this work?


Have you ever thought about WHY you are paying tax when you own everything, and not only that, all states operate on fake digital money and therefore can NEVER run out of money, and that therefore tax is pure theft going right into the private corporate politicians' pockets and bank accounts? It's all about keeping us dependent on state so they can control our health and life in ways that hinder us in becoming strong enough.


It's all about keeping the illusion of shortage and the belief in their fake monetary system going. Not only that, freemasonry has a lot of lodges around the world, where key people meet in secrecy to find new ways and methods to get rid of us, for profit. Ever heard about Agenda21, the annihilation of man? If not, you need to know that you have to start taking your power back by stop voting for these criminal politicians and also start setting up a new society system that benefits us, the living man and woman - or we're gone. Their plans with 5G are absolute devastating and many, having been vaccinated with mRNA vaccines, are now pumped full of metal particles that when hit by intense 5G radiation kills you almost instant. It's time to start cooperating and say "No" worldwide. We need to chose who represent us in politics and vote for them so that we can take the country back, our rights back and work in oneness to set up a new One World Society in our favor.


They use their fake monetary system to get you to work for them as free labor, because their freemason businesses and companies that deliver most of what you need in your daily life to the stores, take their money paid to you as salary, back through overpricing their products. In reality they have little ton o expenses. and you never get any time to reflect over any of this because they make us work long hours to ensure we are tired, and should we have any time left over after dinner at the end of the day, fill our brains with their entertainment, distractions and propaganda lies!


Not only this, they have even taken your right to define yourself as a living man or woman being in your own country by issuing a person number that you are obligated to use within "their" state system. But, wait a minute! My country isn't a state, is it, it's a country?


You are right, you live in a country but your country has been hijacked by the aforementioned international corporate freemason mafia, and they are the ones "running" your country on your behalf, but not as a country, but a state - a private-owned corporation - belonging to THEM! This is why you are defined a PERSON and not a living man or woman when it comes to financial matters in your own country, because your country is not a country anymore - it's an part of the Vatican estate which is why you pay land tax, and if that isn't enough, your country is just a rewrite of the old word County, which happen to belong to the royal family of Great Britain and their European ancestry. That's why you pay land tax to them also.


So, is there no way out of this? Oh yes, there is. It's called cooperation against their corporation.


We need to awaken and enlighten everyone about this reality so we are so many that want to take our country back that we can set up our own political party that WE vote for and if two-thirds of our population vote for OUR party, it's game over for the globalist occupation mafia. For that we need our own media, internet media.


But what will we do when we win, keep political parties alive - or maybe cut to the chase and set up our own One World Society direct democracy - so that we can decide everything local in our communities and cities instead of letting a couple of hundred so-called "elected" representatives "take care of" our country, resources, money and decision-making like today, and see how long it takes before we are back at where we started? (suppressed and plundered and murdered).


One World Society is a dynamic real direct democracy model that allows you to decide how you want things in your local community to function by using proposals we make to vote over, all positive to our community, which are automatic granted upon reaching a 55% majority vote. This dynamic system can be used to increase the area beyond your local community, to a a part of your country, country or beyond.


You don't need a large and costly state administration to dictate what you can or cannot do anymore whose task today is to create a larger and larger bureaucracy to invent new laws to create more paperwork to suppress and rob us while killing us, literally today, in 2021, for profit.


The One World Society model is based on equality, fairness, prosperity and the right to have a say in everything that happens in your local community. You also have a say in all matters that cover the entire country and again every proposal need 55% vote to be granted, built or delivered by the service system.


Say your local community has around 5,000 inhabitants, but today you have to drive far from home to get medical service or attend a school, in One World Society you can propose and decide that you want all these services within your commune borders. Example:


Why not build a combined service, shopping and spare time/activity centre in one large complex?


In One World Society every commune has the right to do that. How you want your services to function is also up to you, and there's no need to worry about cost because it's all free, paid with your share from all of our joint-owned country's natural resources sold abroad. This way WE get the money and can benefit from it.


The one clause this model has is that YOU have to work at least four days a week, 6 hours a day including half hour lunch break (or the like), to have everything you need for a basic living for free! If you want more luxury things you must put in an extra day.   


Those working shift will get huge benefits! Let's say you have a job with 24 hour coverage, this means 4 shifts of 6 hours per shift. After a week of night shift you have an entire week off work with full pay. After completion of each 4 week shift cycle you have two weeks free.


When it comes to work everyone who can work should work, but not more than 6 hours a day, 4 days a week, otherwise many necessities in society might go to a grinding halt, and thus old people might not get help, hospitals will be closed in periods and public transport unstaffed etc. All necessary services risk being so reduced that all of us sooner or later will be hit negatively unless we are willing to do our fair share in keeping our society up and running. Retirement is proposed is at 55 years.


But things do not happen by themselves - someone has to make it happen - for this reason the One World Society direct democracy model has a peoples' service center run by the country's finest expertise in all areas necessary for us to create paradise on Earth, one community after another.


What's great about this model is that the leadership of the service centers have no decisive power, as we have now taken back the right to decide how our communities work and what services we need. The One World Society model's service centers will, in other words, provide everything politics and politicians NEVER delivered.


All we have to do is make proposals and then vote for or against them, with those getting a minimum of 55% automatically granted and been carried our by our local service center.


All proposals made have to be positive for the local community. All we need to do is agree upon what we need of schools, kindergartens, old folks' homes, shops, sports and artistic arenas and whatever else each local community within a commune or town, city or part of city want, and then vote for or against the proposals.


When a proposal gets a 55% majority vote the work necessary for completion is carried out by the service system, and should someone try to deny you what you wish, they are fired straight away. As already mentioned said, they have no power, their right is to make certain you get what you want within reasonable time.


This model has many great solutions to how we can create easy to manage, functioning systems and services for fractions of the cost of what today's freemason political traitors charge us. No more globalist wars, no more lockdowns, masking or vaccine terror. No more theft of our country's natural resources and the profits from these. No more taxation of your salaries. Riding public transport is free.


There are very few limitations to what we can do, have, enjoy and benefit from in our country and local communities when embracing One World Society as our chosen future. The model has many good solutions for a lot of services and infrastructure. This is just a short introduction to One World Society and its benefits so that you can start to see the difference between today's hell on Earth and heaven.


No more political suppression!

No more stealing our salaries!

No more stealing our national resources!

No more stealing of our right to be a living mand or woman!

No more stealing of children!

No more suppression of our freedoms!


Other details of the One World Society direct democracy model can be found in the articles below.



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