If you expect politicians or others to save you - you're dead!

At the time of writing this, the New World Order Bilderberg group, lead by Claus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and many others are killing thousands of us every day with the help of non-elected corporate political freemason politicians, worldwide. Together with mainstream media these non-elected politicians have initiatited genocide based upon a lie, COVID-19, where you only get ill after you are vaccinated the first time (if you didn't receive a placebo). 


Once vaccinated you need so-called booster shots to survive, but the problem with the booster shot is that it plants a new problem that calls for a second booster shot, and it goes on to the third and fourth and never ends, until you're dead, so don't get vaccinated! And politicians are earning huge sums of money for all the shots that lead to your grave!



Many hospitals function as extermination camps, using ventilators that people think are providing oxygen to patients but instead blow their lungs so they die! Thousands of nurses and doctors in America have leaked this out to alternative media, and now refuse to put people on death row ventilators. Vaccinated people and their families, unaware of this reality, are having their sick relatives brought to a hospital where they risk being killed because of no resuscitation orders or being hitched up to ventilators. In either case, too many die. Most people can't take in that this is going on, and even doctors and nurses taking part in this cannot understand why ventilators are killing people they are supposed to keep alive.

Most people can't imagine that virtually all politicians and media worldwide are in on it, and that the agenda is to depopulate the world by 98% so those remaining can have this planet as a paradise for themselves and their billionnaire friends. The biggest tragedy, today, in late 2021, is that so many are still in denial of what is going on. They don't mention it when talking to their friends, just try to cover it up or deliberate do not mention this reality. Many can't take in that so-called "trusted" people can be so evil, and it will take many dead in their own family before they are prepared to admit the truth.


It's hard for most to accept that most politicians in power around the world are supporting this and want you dead for profit because politics is a pedophile, satanic death and sex cult in the higher echelons, although most people still don't know this and/or close their eyes and ears to all leaking truths from honest doctors, nurses, witnesses, family members and ambulance drivers etc. All of this is happening because of today's political system which is rigged and can always allow others to infiltrate it, for example by non-elected politicians - which is the case today - worldwide.  


Many a good man and woman enter politics thinking they are going to be able to do something good for their local community, but they don't get anywhere. They are always sidelined, achieve virtually nothing or end up dead in a ditch. You're not wanted in politics if you actually want to do something good for the people. The bottom line is we don't even need them, we just need local service centers who put out our proposals to our local community and then vote over, which, when receiving a majority vote of 55% or more, are put into motion. The parameters of the local area can be extended to include a town, part of city, whole city, part of country and whole country depending on the type of proposal. And when it comes to projects, the project price should be set by the service centre so there's no cheating for freemasonry buddies who constantly lie and claim the "project is running late" bla, bla, bla "went over budget" bla, bla, bla so they can pocket the difference in price between the first and final contract price as today. No more of their fake non-binding contract law!


What we need is a society where we, the living men and women are the real values alongside with everything we need for survival and to thrive and live great lives in freedom, void of globalist corporate political freemasonry deciding everything in THEIR favor, putting them in charge of everything in our countries and the world, including the rights they define for us, which are vastly diminished from your Creator-given rights at birth.


And talking of values, you have probably heard about the Great Reset, which is the ongoing extermination of man one slow step at a time, COVID-19 being one of these steps. There is also talk of QFS, the new Quantum Financial System that would certainly appeal to Uncle Scrooge because it's "gold-backed" and as you know gold is the most valuable precious metal in the world….. to the globalists running the world's monetary systems! But to us gold is worth nothing as explained above, you can't eat it or drink it. Just look back over time to remind yourself how obsessed these people are with gold: the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Romans, the Venetians, royalty, the Nazis and now, waddayaknow, they want YOU to become obsessed with gold too, by buying it from them, even though they have stolen it all from around the world - from you - because we are all joint-owners of Earth together!


Those behind QFS seem to have ulterior motives, encouraging people to speculate - go out and buy their (stolen from us) gold, silver and precious metals. They want YOU to buy what is rightful your's at birth - from THEM - so they can make money from what is rightful your's. Have you thought about that? And, on top of that they overprice gold to the degree that only those with lots of money can afford buying it. Does that sound like fairness?


And when nobody buys it because it has become too expensive, that's very convenient for those sitting on the majority of gold that are using it to back up an entire planetary monetary system - that they control! And what happens when you invest lots of money in gold and the prices yoyo up and down as it suits those controlling the gold and precious metal markets? That's right, just like those making billions from the killer shots today, they will make billions from those who invest (buy) in these precious metals. Those that maybe didn't buy into the first scam always have a chance to buy into the second!  


Most don't know that we are all joint-owners of Earth together in equal parts, including its natural resources - but the globalists steal everything from us - and then sell it back to us - because we are so blind and so easily duped. If you can't see through this totally fraudulent new ponzi scheme there's only one thing to say "Let he who be fooled, be fooled". Just remember, the same group controlling the gold prices in the back room also run their Boom Bust Boom Bust shows - "We (the globalists) take (your) real values every time we Boom Bust you". QFS bears all the insignia of New World Order/Bilderberg Group operations. They present you one system that is so horrendous that you are more than happy to blind embrace the other (equally horrible) alternative they present you, now your gold-backed saviour! Both of them will still monetize the owners of the system from our money. Remember, those owning these systems are expert illusionists and have millions working for them in spindoctoring and inventing catchy phrases like "The Great Reset" "Build back better" "Trust the plan" "Where we go one, we go all" etc. Why don't we agree upon "Where we go one we go all" by dissolving these piracy ships of government, politics and monetary systems run by lunatics once and for all and replace them with real direct democracy?

When you allow others to write laws in their favor, like today's unelected politicians, we end up with a government whose monetary system is owned by private bank families. We have no real freedom because we are all the time dependent upon the mercy of our politicians and the banks. And this is key to the current COVID-19 Lockdown system because he who owns the money control the world. And now, during the ongoing COVID-19 genocide we see that taking the money away from people is on the cards if they don't volunteer to kill themselves with their bioweapons, and then we will die from starvation instead! Isn't it great to have loads of alternatives ready up your sleeve to ensure you achieve your agenda!


All the above is why we have to be the real values in a new One World Society direct democracy system where we decide everything in our lives through majority vote of at least 55% over 45% so that there is at least 10% more voting in favor of, or against, a proposal for change, so that we can create the society we want, and deserve, because we do all the work while these globalist corporate political freemasons sitting with stolen power do nothing. That's why we have nothing apart from taxes upon taxes upon taxes and increasing prices for everything, including for resources that we own!


And beware of Constitutions. These are an artifically put together set of rules in favor of those who make the system. Were you ever invited?


When you accept their Constitution you now have the "right" to accept the rights they have defined that you can have, and in exchange for these you give up your Creator-given rights by birth. Not only that, you now have the "right" to pay tax to them and the right to accept their fake piracy legal system which has nothing to do with law, but everything to do with a freemason-invented parallel system to use and abuse us for the benefit and wealth of these vultures and con artists calling themselves lawyers, attorneys and judges.


Not only that, judges should be locked away in lunatic asylums, because they think they can speak with the dead! They spend their days making fortunes from contracting with the dead, non-living corporate entities, PERSONS, alias us, as long as we accept to be the living dead in their story! Because of this we should register as living men and women at the international common law court registry here as a first step to save ourselves, because common law is the second highest law system on Earth. Only the Law of One Creator surpasses international common law.


Alas, too many have blind faith in saviours in the form of individuals like politicians, presidents, a general here and there, Jesus, God, Buddha, Allah or any of countless other idols and deities that they believe shall fix the world on our behalf so that we don't have to do anything, just keep sitting on the fence presuming that someone "out there" is going to fix things to ensure we don't get killed by their bioweapons in all their shapes and sizes - and don't forget radiation!


Why do you think the political system was invented if not to conjure up illusions of freedom by the owners and controllers of this control-all-sides-of-the-game system? And this is where we come back to not taking responsibility. Why are so many still waiting around for "someone" else to do the job, handing over responsibility for their life to others who couldn't care less? How can a politician have the capacity to hear the wishes of, say 150,000 constituents in their constituency? Do you think your voice is going to get heard?


How much time does a doctor have for each of his or her patients when they have say 2,000 patients registered in their clinic? 5 minutes, 10 minutes? How much time then do you think a politician has for you, when each has perhaps 150,000 - 2000,000 constituents in their constitutency? It's all a pretence to keep your faith in them and vote for them so they can keep stealing your money and suppressing you with laws that today might end with you in a casket! It's time we stand up and represent ourselves.


Many people are seeking exemptions from vaccines, but it is important to know that YOU and only you decide over you and not corporate entitities posing as politicians that cannot decide over anyone but themself! If you ask someone for an exemption, you are handing over your power to someone else, acknowledging that they have a right they do NOT have to decide over you! Say no! Also, these are contract hustlers - why contract with them when they can only trade and thus contract with other corporations and not the living man and woman? Also remember, politicians are corporate entities, titles and thus can only trade with other corporations.

We have to take in that the unlawful legal system is just a money-making machine and globalist control mechanism. It is not there to help you, only suppress you and make money off of you! Why then go pleading to them and beg them to stop the politicians from killing us? They write laws for the politicians, remember! Important to know is that the entire legal system is invalid for us, the living man and woman, it only has to do with products and trading transactions, i.e. dead/inanimate things. Also, note that lawyers and judges are self-employed and virtually all courts are private-owned corporations, with each court room in that COURT HOUSE being the individual business of the "residing judge" in that court room. They don't tell us that, do they?  


Not only that, these legal pirates are all trading under their own name (just like their buddies, politicians) and are (like politicians) self-employed within their system. Think of it this way, would you go to McDonalds with a petition to ask them to save your life? No! So why are you doing this with these private-owned courts and politicians? There is no difference between them. Why ask the devil for mercy, do you think your hangman cares?


Now is the time to stand up for our rights or die, because COVID-19 is genocide. We have to stand up together as a community because alone you stand no chance against their Nuremburg 2-style attacks on our lives and rights. The people fronting this global genocide are members of a satanic cult that have sex with young children down to the age of babies, slit their throats and then drink the blood gushing out of their throat before they die. This is the kind of people we are dealing with.


Can you see that we can never win over these people unless we join forces in mass and do citizens' arrests? We can't expect any assistance from the police, because they are corporate entities in private corporations, not real police, many are hired ex-soldiers and thugs posing as police, and are also pedophile freemasons. These will not lift a finger to assist us unless it's in their favor financially, or perhaps when their own family is threatened the same way we are.


The Bilderberg group leadership call people who work for them "Useful idiots". They consider you more dangerous to them than the people when it comes around to it. You will be their prime target for assassination - once they think you've completed your task for them - so why not side with us now, while you are still alive? The same goes for every living man and woman in the country, we are all on their assassination list.


This attack on our lives is not going to go away by itself, we have to do the work together by standing up to our treacherous globalist political freemason puppets and fight them with everything we have. Don't worry about their fake laws (mandates) and possible consequences, we have to be prepared to go out and arrest and hang these traitors, because if we don't, chances are you don't exist in x amount of time!


Where we go one, we go all, to victory or to our grave! We have to prepare ourselves for a do or die situation because these globalists will probably be assisted by local traitors also doing their best to eradicate us. To counteract this we need to elect local sheriffs under common law so that everyone can be deputized as sheriff deputies with lawful right to protect the people and their country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Our domestic enemy are the political traitors, mainstream media and all other, for example, big corporations and any other that has signed on to the genocide agenda in any shape or form, for example demanding their employees be vaccinated and all nurses and doctors knowingly killing people.  


And remember, if you do nothing you allowed it to happen, you are to blame because you took no stance, you did nothing.



Dr. Francis Boyle:


The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 imposes fines and prison sentences on anyone who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon”


Listen to Dr. Francis Boyle and Dr. Mercola here.


If this video is removed, you can find it on banned.video here.


If the article accompanying the video is no longer visible, because of globalist attacks, you will still be able to read it by searching within Dr. Mercola's online archives on his website. The article is called either Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes.



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